I’ve always loved music. One of my earliest memories is standing on a pew between my mother and father on a Sunday morning, hymnal in hand, singing to Jesus. And I’ve also always loved crafting. It brings me so much joy to make something special and unique for someone else. I wanted to find a way to combine what I love doing with what inspires me. I began making beautiful, unique necklaces and bracelets that contain simple phrases from hymns and scripture, and offer them through an online Etsy store. Phrases like “Then sings my soul” and “Tis so sweet” and “ask, seek, knock”. When worn, they serve as a sweet little reminder to pause and reflect on how great God is. It is my hope that my jewelry serves multiple purposes for those who wear them. They complement any look, they keep you singing praises throughout the day and most importantly, they are perfect conversation starters to help believers share their faith and love of Jesus with others.

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