Verbalizing the Gospel

  • Mission Work Unique Ministries Verbalizing the Gospel


    Wales Goebel is an example of how God can use someone to do great things, no matter how old you are. At the age of 39, Wales left a successful residential construction business, feeling God’s calling to begin a Christian ministry for students in high school and college. He worked tirelessly preaching The Word to these kids, and over the next few years, he saw several thousand students give their lives to Jesus. During these years, he discovered that some students would share very personal problems with him. Young girls would confide they had an unwanted pregnancy, and were looking for a… Read More

  • Loss Of Loved One Verbalizing the Gospel


    The Christian Heart ministry lost a very special person last month. Mike Whitten was a vital part of The Christian Heart since its very inception. He was always there to encourage us when times became challenging. He was our ministry's greatest cheerleader. He would always remind us that it was our goal to point people to Jesus. He was one of the most successful businessmen in Birmingham. But you'd never know it by his humble spirit. Mike’s generosity was amazing, always asking what you might need and doing his best to fulfill that need. He just loved to meet the needs of… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    We have been sharing the hope of Jesus in song since 1982. It has been far from easy, and we didn’t even know music would be a part of our journey. My husband Bob has the ability to push things forward as a visionary, and one day he said to me, “Learn how to paint so I can sell your pictures. I want to sell something I believe in.” After that, we sold artwork for years. Later, when tragedy struck, we had to overcome fires and felt threatened as our character weaknesses were being exposed. A lack of profit margin at wholesale… Read More

  • Hospital Overcoming Obstacles Verbalizing the Gospel


    One week before I surrendered my life to Christ, I was riding my motorcycle home from the gym late at night. Glancing at my phone for a text notification, I didn't see the truck halfway in my lane until it was too late. The collision at 60 mph left me unable to walk for three days, but by God's grace, I escaped with minimal harm. Exactly a week later, I attended a prayer meeting an hour away from home. Through the prayers of others, God supernaturally healed my legs, prompting me to commit my life to Jesus. Repentance, I realized, meant more… Read More

  • Verbalizing the Gospel


    I grew up going to church and was always intrigued about this God. I went through most of my childhood knowing Him but not really having a relationship with Him. That all changed when a soccer teammate of mine invited me with her to a church camp. Little did I know my life would be transformed. At one point during the camp, we were worshiping. It’s hard to describe but I felt the Holy Spirit come within me. I left the camp with a different perspective on life and actually knowing this amazing person we call Jesus. I am forever grateful for my… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    God has a specific way He reveals His plan to us. I feel He teaches me in a way that is similar to the unfolding of an onion. Every time I learn more about Jesus’ love, it shifts who I am inside. Most profoundly, He grows me into a better representation of Him as He peels back the layers of my selfish ways. This is what He had in store for developing our RV Park into a place of ministry. In 2017 while traveling to be with my husband's father before his death, we spent a night at an RV Park… Read More

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