Labor Overcoming Obstacles


It was only when my daughter asked through the visitation glass how much it would cost out of her piggy bank to keep me out of jail, that I truly recognized: I needed God. I could no longer do this my way.

My options were exhausted so I began looking towards Jesus that day. I had been in active addiction for 20 years and spent a year in jail. I never could see the end of that road, until that day. It wasn’t always easy, but I had a different kind of strength once I laid down my burdens, trauma and fears.

God was truly with me. I finally recognized it, and accepted Him into my heart and my life. Once I was released from jail, I was court ordered to participate in a drug court where I learned about recovery.

I began volunteering at a Christ-centered sober-living program for women called, “The Gift House”. It was there that I found just how necessary it was for me to keep God, front and center, of all things I do in life. Not only did I have to have that personal relationship with Jesus for myself, but I had to do it for the women who were now looking up to me, of all people.

After about two years of volunteering, I was asked to be the case manager and oversee the program here at The Gift House. My life, my wants, my desires, all aligned with God’s Will, finally. I have been truly blessed by this program.

I spend my days mentoring women new in recovery, some of whom come into this house not even believing in God at first. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” is a truth that I share daily. We are active in all community events as a force of “girl-power” rooted in Christ.

The most humbling and beautiful experience through it all, has been sharing The Word of God with these women and watching them blossom into what He planned for them to be. A woman rooted in Christ is not easily shaken by the troubles of this world, and I am so grateful that He continues to bless this home, this program, and the women in it.

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