I have been fighting sex trafficking in Boston for the past eight years. My exposure to this horror began in college. I heard a presentation from the founder of “Not for Sale” about modern day slavery and human trafficking. I couldn’t believe how much was happening right here in the United States. I was shocked and horrified. I heard a clear calling from the Lord to get involved somehow. I began an internship and naively thought all I needed to do is tell everyone, and then it would stop. I soon realized human trafficking is overwhelmingly complicated. I encountered my first “survivor” of commercial sexual exploitation while interning. She shared with me the first time someone tried to buy her, it was a police officer. Wow! My world shook a bit. If a police officer is buying girls, then who is helping them? Who can they trust? I began to see a devastating truth: many people know about it, are participating in it, and benefiting from it. After college, I got involved full time. I saw clear gaps in this fight against trafficking. There was and is a desperate need for survivors to have safe housing, and a need for a place to teach those who want to get involved. Most of the experts in the field are too busy to teach. I discovered the ugliness of the politics behind funding, because if a grant runs out, the work stops. This was all so frustrating. I felt I needed to help connect people: those who wanted to get involved needed a place to learn, and people with resources needed to connect with those who had none. And that is what I was able to do. One of these connections founded Amirah, a safe-house for those who have been trafficked. I also partnered with The Emanuel Gospel Center to build a ministry called the Abolitionist Network. This ministry is primarily geared towards gathering research, all in the hopes of discovering answers and solutions. There are times I have felt completely overwhelmed by this work, and the darkness feels so close I can almost touch it, but I cling to the promises of God. He is bigger and He will get the victory in the end. There is a lot of darkness, but there is also Hope! Hope in Jesus. Some day, He will fully restore all things, but until then, we get to be a small part of bringing His kingdom here on earth.

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bernadette ryan
September 21, 2017 at 12:46 pmWhat a truly unique and Godly young woman you are. It must be an incredibly difficult Ministry to be involved with. I pray God’s blessings on all that you do and protection over you and all your household.
You are truly a warrior in the Army of God – and what an army that must be. I send you many greetings from New Zealand and all the blessings the Lord has in store for you and many more after that. With love from Christians at the ”bottom’ of the world.
Gay Dahl
August 23, 2023 at 11:49 amYou indeed are Gods warrior! God’s calling can be very difficult but you never walk His journey alone. He is with you in every heartbreak, every tear and every victory! Even the angels are rejoicing with you! For every child saved, each person educated and connected brings heaven and our Father great joy!