I am a missionary kid. I grew up in Panama where I joined my parents in ministry throughout the country. I saw God do some pretty amazing things. When I was a child, I was called to missions. Honestly, I always assumed my life would be me and my family living overseas, doing the work of the Lord. So, when I moved to Tanzania after college, it seemed my dreams were becoming a reality. However, when my two-year assignment in Tanzania finished, I found myself single, alone, and heading back the United States without a real direction for my future. I took the first job offered to me, working to help new missionaries go overseas. It seemed ironic I was helping so many get to their respective places of service while I stayed behind in America answering emails. I’ve now been in the United States for four very long years. However, during that time, I have traveled around the country, sharing my passion for the lost to be reached for Jesus. Mostly, this means setting up tables with pamphlets at universities, and then having conversations with students interested in missions. It seems so simple, and yet I have seen hundreds of college students answer the call to go, and I have helped them get there. I have worked with teams in the field in need of a particular skill set and found the person they needed. I have been a part of an answer to prayer for so many. I don’t know what the future holds for me. I hope I do get married. I hope we spend our lives overseas. But more than that, I just want to do the work of the Lord in whatever capacity He desires. My heart’s desire is to simply obey the Lord and follow His leading.

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1 Comment
November 21, 2018 at 5:24 amGod has chosen you to be where you are, doing what you are…so consider yourself blessed!
was wondering if any of the students you meet would be interested in helping out at our school which is part of the mission hospital in central india where i work…teaching english, maths, science. please do let me know