God truly uses our gifts no matter how insignificant a gift it may seem. For years, my sisters and I have worked together to decorate and put on events. We have done everything from wedding receptions to birthday parties for family and friends. Over the years, we have accumulated so many decorations that we have our own “warehouse” (my sisters garage!) full of décor for every holiday and event you can imagine. Little did I know how the Lord was going to use our skill and resources to bring Him glory in our community. Two years ago, I began volunteering at my home church. I have the incredible pleasure of decorating my church for every event and every season that we have. I take such joy in this because most of the people in our church are poverty stricken and live in section 8 housing which is often run down. These people are often forgotten by the rest of our community. It’s been amazing to see the response people have had to what I would consider simple decorations we put throughout our church. They feel like it’s been spruced up just for them. It warms my heart when I overhear some ladies say how much they admire the care we took to create a lovely display. It brings me so much joy to see the smiles on their faces from these decorations, since they probably face more hardship in one day than I do in a month. My hope as I create simple pieces of beauty is for people to see the greater beauty of God. When I put up flowers, I’m imagining how these flowers can show them the beauty of the Lord. When I hang pictures, I envision how people are going to see the love of God through these pictures. These decorations make them feel special. This is why I get so much joy in decorating. I never would have thought I could create so many smiles by doing such a simple thing. Even though I’ve been decorating buildings and events for years, I now decorate with much greater purpose and passion.

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