Homeless Labor Unique Ministries


I travel around the country giving free haircuts to the homeless, veterans and anyone going through tough financial times. There is something about a fresh haircut that puts a bounce in your step.

But I don’t look at these as just haircuts. I feel I am empowering people because this gives them a bit of hope and an assurance that someone cares about them.

That’s why I named my ministry, Empowering Cuts.

As a kid, my dad used to give me haircuts because we couldn’t afford going to a barber. But honestly, he would mess up my hair really badly. So I guess that is where I got my interest in going to barber school.

When I was there, my instructor would take us to homeless shelters to get some practice cutting hair. I loved talking to these men because I wanted to understand their addictions. You see, both my mom and dad were drug addicts. I wanted to try to figure out what leads to addiction. Even though my childhood was difficult because of this, I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today if it wasn’t for my faith.

When I graduated from barber school, I set out to give these free haircuts to those in need. My friends told me I was crazy, that this didn’t make sense. I had children at home that I needed to support. The money I make being an Uber driver isn’t a lot, but it does pay the bills.

But I know that God gave me a clear message to do this, and I believe Him and His direction. I told my doubters that providing free haircuts to people that can’t afford it and seeing their joy means more to me than receiving money for cutting their hair.

I’ve been doing this for three years and I’ve given over 7,500 free haircuts in 20 cities. In fact, I just put up a GoFundMe account so I could buy an RV and convert it to a mobile barber shop. Then I’ll be able to cut hair in any type of weather, whether it’s snowing, raining or 100 degrees.

I’m looking forward to bringing glory to God as I do that.

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  • Reply
    December 28, 2020 at 5:39 pm

    What you are doing is wonderful. May God bless you.

  • Reply
    Gay Dahl
    June 26, 2024 at 11:57 am

    Soo love it! Keep up your God work! I hope you got your mobile barbershop! Bless you! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’•

  • Reply
    David Olori
    June 27, 2024 at 7:12 pm

    This is very inspiring.
    May God bless you abundantly for this wonderful work you are doing for His sake; granting your heart desire to promote the work too.
    ” … he who waters will also be watered himself.” (Proverbs 11:25)

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