My mother had three sonograms before I was born and none of them indicated any problems. But I was born without arms and legs. That obviously made life extremely challenging. I had tremendous parents but I was bullied throughout the early years of school. I became depressed and even had suicidal thoughts. My life changed when I was 15. I read how Jesus said the blind man was born that way so the works of God would be revealed through him. If God had a plan for that man, I certainly believed He had one for me. I totally surrendered my life to Christ. I realized God wasn’t the one that gave me this pain. What was intended for bad, God could turn into good. But I wondered how. I found out when I gave at a speech at a high school. After the talk, a couple hundred students lined up to speak with me. A girl began sobbing uncontrollably as she approached, saying, “No one has ever told me that they loved me. No one has ever said to me I’m beautiful the way that I am.” At that moment, I knew God wanted me to share my story with as many people as possible. That was His plan. So I now speak to thousands each year through my Life Without Limbs ministry. Our mission is to break down barriers and build bridges that bring people to the love and hope found in Jesus Christ alone. I am a man of faith and without that, I wouldn’t be who I am today. I am not the person who says, “Pray for a miracle and it will come if you pray hard enough.” God doesn’t answer our prayers according to what we want. He answers prayers according to His perfect wisdom. Some are greatly disappointed in their faith walk because they’ve been promised miracles that never came to fruition. People ask if I wish I had arms and legs. At times, I do. I even have a pair of shoes in my closet in case He decides to give me limbs. But God has blessed me with a beautiful wife and children. I have seen God answer my prayer for hope, purpose, and significance in such a unique way that it would not be same if I had arms and legs. I am thrilled to be living out His calling for my life.

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Luis Tellez
February 14, 2018 at 6:05 pmWow! What a beautiful calling….you have truly blessed me with your story
I love the attitude and the character of Christ in you…you are without a doubt , God sent!
May God continue to use , anoint and bless your life for the Glory of our Lord Jesus….
pastor Flora MOSES
February 15, 2018 at 12:28 amto God be all the glory,honor and adoration.there is nothing too hard for him,with him all things are possible.I thank God for you today,never loose hope in life because God can in a second,turn one’s life right around for good
Thabo Moalusi
February 20, 2018 at 2:09 amIndeed He is Alpha and Omega. Glory to God in the highest. May His abundance of anointing abides forever in you my brother.
October 17, 2018 at 2:14 pmWhat an inspiration you are for so many who need to tell them that God does love them no matter where they are in life and no matter what they are going thru. One day my friend, you will have those arms and legs that you don’t have now but you are doing a tremendous work for your Savior while you are here. Keep sharing Christ with them all. What a reward heaven has waiting for you. Keep your faith in Christ and His finished work on the cross. God bless you!!!
David Griffith
October 17, 2018 at 3:06 pmThanks for sharing your story! Great inspiration! I ve shared your video several times!
God is so good!
Gloria V
October 17, 2018 at 6:25 pmWow what an awesome story. I know God is always by your side. God Bless and thank for your inspiration.
Sherwin Dungog
October 17, 2018 at 11:57 pmWhat a wonderful, amazing story and encouraging testimony for others. Indeed God has a purpose in every human being in this planet, He will turn the bad situation that we thought it bad into Good. God intended it for those who love Him who has been called according to his purpose and for the Glory of God.
October 18, 2018 at 1:26 amThis is very inspiring, you have made my faith to grow. May God continue blessing you as you sharing more of His Glory with us. What a Wonderful God
Adeyemi Lawal
October 3, 2019 at 3:08 amYour words have elevated my faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Olaoluwa S. Ayoola
April 18, 2020 at 1:09 amROMANS 8 V 28 is my favorite bible passage: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love GOD, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose (KJV). NICK, if you had had limbs and arms, you probably wouldn’t have gone round the world changing lives through the gospel of our LORD JESUS CHRIST. HIS WAYS are past finding out. Keep up with the good work of spreading the good news relentlessly, GOD is in control as HE empowers you the more to do more. AMEN.
Grace Oshin
October 7, 2020 at 7:46 amYou have been wiñning souls for God which is the best achievement in life, keep winning, your reward is ahead and belief me, no one can take it from your. God loves you so much.
November 4, 2021 at 6:16 pm❤ Your an inspiration to me!
November 4, 2021 at 6:29 pmLove. Faith. Hope. And the greatest of these is LOVE. And the one that will remain is LOVE. you know which is important to God at the moment – Love. Faith. Hope or Limbs. The limbs are waiting for you in Heaven. Here on earth you are reaching a demographic that anyone else with limbs would not be able to do, especially as you get older (oops younger), with a real life message of the Love of the Father God for us. You are being blessed because you are a blessing. The beatitudes are your portion and more. Your video Butterfly Effect is heart wrenching, evoking, challenging but beautiful. Go in the abundance of His supply, according to His riches in Glory. Blessings to your beautiful wife who saw in you the treasure that God sees – with natural and spiritual eyes and your children who are also being blessed by being included in your life. They all have a wonderful testimony to share as well of Love. Faith. Hope, and the greatest and the only remaining being LOVE. Father God protect each one with Your supper abundant Love. May each one continue to abide and grow in Your Love and cherish and honour each other. Yes.