As a chiropractor, I take my patients’ health very seriously. I work hard to look at the entire person and his or her health, not just a few symptoms. I am very passionate about this and I believe that passion comes from the Lord. Every time a patient leaves my office able to move a bit better than when he arrived, I give God thanks for His help and pray that it is for His glory. Just as I believe in treating the whole person, I believe it is my responsibility as a follower of Christ to live out my faith in every area of my life. That includes my chiropractic business. I work hard to deal in the utmost integrity with my patients and the community. I have also made it a policy that half of every patient’s first visit’s cost goes to a charity we support. They are are all Christian charities and serve our local community both through service and proclamation. We will certainly continue this practice. The Lord truly continues to bless me as I work to honor Him in my life and in my business.

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