Labor Loving Your Neighbor Mission Work


My desire to help people began a couple years ago with writing five heartfelt letters of encouragement to soldiers, inmates, and others who needed hope in their lives. But the number of letters I’ve written has now grown to over four thousand. It reminds me of when Jesus took two loaves of bread and five little fish, and ended up feeding five thousand people.

By sharing God’s love with others in these letters, I want them to see that God is good. Sharing God’s Word is food for the soul.

During the Covid pandemic, the world was in such a dark place. In my heart, I felt I needed to do something to bring hope where there was none. I prayed God would lead me to a ministry, and that is when I began the Kindness Through Letters Mission Project. Searching through sources, such as Facebook, or doing a search online, helped me get the addresses for service members, prisoners, and others to mail my letters.

A little backstory about myself: my name is Allison, and I am 27 years old. I was born a preemie at 25 weeks, and I have mild cerebral palsy.

Although I have had a disability throughout my entire life, I knew this was something I wanted to do. The Kindness Through Letters Mission Project is a way for me to spread the Word and tell others about God. I have handwritten each letter personally, which I thought would be more difficult than it has been. From the beginning, this has been much easier than I anticipated. It has also helped to improve my writing skills, given me a way to be more social, and calmed my anxiety.

In each letter, I try to add scripture and words of encouragement. I know this has helped people because sometimes when I am out in town or at a store, those who have heard about the ministry will come up to me and let me know how my letters have impacted others.

I know I was led to this. Before my grandma passed away in 2015, she told me to always be good. That had a significant impact on my life. I always remembered what she said and that helped me to share God’s love.

Everyone needs encouragement and to have hope. God is so good and if more people had Him in their lives, it would be a better world.

Often, as I am writing letters, I am reminded of the verse in Proverbs 31:26 where it says, “She speaks wisely, teaching with gracious love.”

When I first began this ministry, I was not sure how it would go, but spreading the Word of God is something I feel passionately about. Donations and supplies help keep this ministry alive, but the goal is to always share God’s love.

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