Loving Your Neighbor Unique Ministries


The Bible says love your neighbor as yourself, but what does it actually mean? How do we actually love our neighbors as ourselves?

I began praying and asking the Lord to show what it looked like for me. He showed me several ways that we could love our neighbors.

My children and I made goody bags filled with candy, scripture cards, candles, hand soaps, and homemade goods to pass out for Valentines Day, Easter (which also would include a Bible), Summer, Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Our children looked so forward to making these bags and passing them out in the evenings. They wrote the scripture cards themselves, and helped me and my husband put the bags together.

We wanted our neighbors to know about Jesus and to see us love them in His name. Everything pointed back to Christ.

We “gave” to our neighbors because of what God “gave” us—Jesus. I took meals to our neighbors when they were sick, or had surgery. My neighbor’s dog died and she was crushed. The kids and I made her cards where we wrote scripture on it, and told her we were praying for her. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31 What would the world look like if we actually did love our neighbor as ourselves?

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