I encountered Jesus at the darkest point in my life, and it is only by His light that His purpose was revealed to me. It was when I suffered from major depression in my early 20’s. At that moment, I believe God called me to completely surrender my life to Him; and through faith, I was healed. Since it’s my second life, I asked God to use my testimony to help others that were suffering. I continuously sought His guidance. He led me to the Middle East. When I arrived here, a former drug addict invited me to his church. I was amazed at how his life was transformed so I started studying God’s Word. In every free moment. After several years, I became an evangelist. God gave me a vision about the narrow gate, and He instructed me to let people know about Jesus—the way, the truth and the life. I started to conduct bible studies in the most remote parts of the city, as well as in the desert and on the seaside. Most of the time, it takes hours of driving just to reach these areas. But I always feel convicted by the Holy Spirit reminding me, “If you will not do it, who will?” and I always say, “Here I am Lord, send me!” I have a full time job here as a Technical Analyst but every week, several of us share the Gospel with workers in different companies. By God’s grace, we have grown in numbers and have formed a cell group called the Sea of Galilee. We are composed of Filipinos, mostly working in the malls and restaurants. We usually study God’s Word after our work ends at midnight until 3:00 a.m. These studies are a training for us, like a soldier preparing for battle. We have done this for six years, and I’ve witnessed how God has transformed so many lives. God’s plan still prevails and my fellow workers have now gone off to different places like the Philippines, Kuwait, Dubai and Qatar. These workers are now equipped to share the Gospel throughout the nations. As it says in Matthew 28:19, we are to go and make disciples!
Labor Mission Work Verbalizing the Gospel
Posted on February 13, 2018
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1 Comment
February 13, 2018 at 10:18 pmPraise god