I was at the funeral for a two-year-old child of a dear friend. The child’s father preached an amazing eulogy, and said 93% of Christians never share their faith. I was so moved. That’s when I prayed and asked God to show me a way to make an impact for His Kingdom. I felt God leading me to start a line of women’s clothing that I designed, manufactured and sold out of my home. I wanted these clothes to be different and meaningful, so I put a label in these clothes with a message that had resonated with me for several years: “He will never leave you or forsake you.” The clothing line started to really take off and it became too consuming; it was hard to find a balance between my personal and business life. So I ended up taking a break. After a while, I kept getting nudged by God to return but to do it differently. I could see His hands in opening up an opportunity for me to find a small warehouse where I sold the women’s clothing items and accessories, and eventually a retail store called Nation’s Boutique. The word Nation’s comes from Matthew 28:11 where Jesus says for us to make disciples of all nations. Placing God’s Word in each of our clothes is our way of doing this. The theme in our store is “Do Beautiful.” I want women to know they are beautiful and made in His image. Women sometimes think it’s the clothes that make them beautiful. But it’s your inner beauty and what you do in your clothes that makes you beautiful. We try to encourage people to make a difference in the lives of others. When you do, you feel beautiful and that beauty radiates to others. Business has been very steady, even in these tumultuous times, which has enabled us to expand our reach and offer our clothes on our website. Since we’ve been so blessed, we partner with a different Christian ministry each season; we give a certain percentage of our earnings to that ministry and also distribute information on the ministry to each of our customers.

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