Unique Ministries Verbalizing the Gospel


Chasing after the wind, I was a high schooler who longed for ‘the moment,’ whether it be a concert, sporting event, or school dance. Underneath it all, I knew I was living in the shadows; distracting myself from the consequences of my sin. I was addicted to my lusts, which were distracting me and only adding to the tab of consequences.

The pandemic in 2020 was a shelter to the wind I was chasing. I had no wind to chase, and as a result, I longed for renewal with the God I was distracting myself from.

I ended up giving my life to Jesus; only to discover his unimaginable grace that was nothing short of a miracle. Not only was I a new creation in Him (and He in me), but the Lord began to sanctify me of my sin. He led me across my own Jordan River, overcoming a previous harmful addiction that I had struggled with for over four years.

Three years later, I am now a student ministry leader with Cru, where I lead campus evangelism and an apologetics study group. While studying Human Communication Studies, I utilize the curriculum to converse and build relationships with students where I share the Gospel with them, and answer their questions to the faith we have good reason to fight for. It is a nerve-racking step out of my comfort zone, considering my campus is increasingly hostile toward God’s Word.

I also lead an apologetics study group, which is an outlet for the students in our ministry to continue to learn to provide a defense for their faith.

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.” (1 Peter 3:15)

I, along with my brothers and sisters in Cru, continue to strive to be ambassadors for Christ to our classmates and professors. We hope to help our fellow colleagues quit chasing the winds of the college lifestyle, and to help them begin a relationship with the one who created the wind.

As C.S Lewis wrote, “If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.”

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