It was 1998 when my wife and I went on our first medical mission trip to Venezuela. I had been a surgeon and in practice with my brother for 17 years. As we worked in a make-shift clinic on a rooftop, we felt God speaking to us and asking us to begin a new adventure with Him. We said yes and when we returned home, we began contacting hospitals, physicians, and leaders in the community to determine where the greatest need was. We found out that there was an overwhelmingly large group of low income and uninsured adults who fall within the “gap” that needed affordable and quality healthcare. We knew what God wanted us to do. In 2003, we opened up Victory Health Partners. On the very first day, we had 12 patients come in. By 2018, we had over 19,000 patients come in. Our building, which is 11,000 square feet, was provided for us with a lease of $1 a year. We meet the needs of patients who are age 19 to 64 with low to moderate income levels that cannot afford private insurance, government funded insurance, or cannot get health coverage through their employer. Many of our patients suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, COPD, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Besides primary medical care, we offer other specialty healthcare like dental, optometry, neurology, urology, wound care, MRIs and minor surgeries. Our medication dispensary makes it possible for patients to receive all or most of their medications at no charge. We have over 150 specialty partnerships that see patients in their offices for an affordable fee. These patients are treated just like everyone else in their offices. Even though we are a Christian facility, we do not discriminate or push our beliefs on anyone. My volunteers and I are compassionate toward our patients and will pray with them, giving them spiritual and emotional guidance as needed. We have a group of compassionate partners and about 70 volunteers giving over 60,000 hours of service annually. To God be the Glory!

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Siew Choy Choo
August 20, 2019 at 10:01 pmAmen.
Siew Choy Choo
August 21, 2019 at 2:36 amGod loves us
John 3:16❤?⚘