Loving Your Neighbor Prayer Unique Ministries


As a seminary professor, my days are filled with theological questions, biblical languages, and the deep study of scripture. It’s a wonderful occupation and I love it. However, it is what I do outside of work that gives me the greatest joy.

Each week, I spend two evenings with Congolese refugee families that have settled in our community. I bring them items they need, help them find work, and get them plugged into English language centers. But really what I do is simply listen. I listen to their stories of their homeland. I listen as they share about the horrors of war. I listen to their difficulties as they try to navigate life in the United States. I simply listen.

And then, as the Holy Spirit prompts me, I ask them if I can pray with them. There are no great theological discussions. I just ask them if I can pray and when they respond positively, I pray. I pray with them for jobs and health. I pray with them for family left back in Congo. It’s nothing profound or earth-shattering.

But those prayers are meaningful. Those prayers bond us together. Those prayers lead to eternal significance as I demonstrate the love of Christ. Those prayers lead to Congolese refugees finding Christ in the midst of their tumultuous life. It’s simple really. I just love these refugees. I think that’s what God wants us to do with all people on earth.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    June 27, 2018 at 10:01 am

    Thanks for being there with them as they seek to assimilate into a new world. While it may appear to be a small thing to associate them as “refugees” please refrain from looking down on them or seeing them as simply foreigners or refugees. See them as equals regardless of the positions we hold. God bless you as you assimilate into their world.

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