Ministry is nothing more than being willing to do the work that God calls a believer to do. Sure, you can try to do it in your flesh. But the result will never be what could have been if His hand is not leading. That is why everything I have ever focused on in God’s work had to have His stamp of approval. Whether that was my work as a Pastor or reaching others though providing a food bank and Thanksgiving dinners. As the shepherd of a flock, God ordained my steps to preach the Word and see many come to Jesus over the years. I was out of the pastorate for a few years when God spoke to me to do more in reaching out to the homeless and needy in the Denver area. In 1998, my wife and I started a work in providing food for the local low-income folks at the East Denver YMCA. Not only was it God’s blessing to be able to provide Thanksgiving meals each year, but the outreach of the Foodbank became a reality. The Foodbank of the Rockies continues to be our “partner” in being able to physically feed the many in this area of urban Denver. The Lord truly has done amazing things over the years in allowing us to reach out to our community, both in feeding the flock and in seeing the Word touch many lives. Many individuals and families have come to know Jesus and His redemptive work simply by needing a meal. One thing we do at every Thanksgiving dinner outreach is to preach and share about God’s love for each one. It is by God’s grace that I came to know the redemptive work of Jesus when I was 17 at the Bill Rice Ranch. My wife placed her trust in Him around the same age in a youth group meeting. Working together, we have seen our Heavenly Father do incredible things in the lives of others and we praise Him daily for this opportunity. I believe when you step out by faith, God steps in with the miraculous. He doesn’t ask you to be a star, but rather to be available as a vessel He can use.

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