
  • Homeless Labor Recovery


    From the first time I walked through the door at The River, I had a feeling of hope. I didn’t know what to expect, but forming relationships and watching lives change right before my eyes was not what I anticipated. There have been many women come through for help. Homeless, down and out, and broken, they come to get the help they need. They come to escape for a little while, get job training, wash clothes, have a meal and maybe get a haircut. They can take classes and training in areas that will help them succeed. These are the… Read More

  • Children Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    I have always loved helping people. As a young black teacher, I want to be a role model to the youth in my community, my church, and my classroom. So many children go through life without a father or support system in their home, and it is important for me to support my students in areas where they are lacking. As the son of a pastor, I have witnessed the power of prayer and faith, and this has had a major effect on my spiritual life and determined how I interact with God’s people. I let my light and my… Read More

  • Labor Mission Work


    I felt called to serve the Lord when I was in high school, and that's when I went on my first mission trip. Then during physician assistant school, I started going on mission trips with the Christian Medical and Dental Association and other organizations to Central and South America. It is encouraging, serving alongside and building relationships with a diverse group of providers and international believers. Seeing how God uses short-term missions to draw people to Himself is amazing. Now as a full-time physician assistant, I don't have the chance to go on as many mission trips. I work in… Read More

  • Children Food Labor Special Needs


    My wife and I opened an ice cream shop three years ago, and it's been an amazing experience for our family. Not just the ice cream, although that's good! It's our 12 employees. All but one are young adults with special needs. We have some with autism, some with Down Syndrome and one in a wheelchair. They bless us and our customers each day. They truly enjoy their job and simply pour out love to everyone that walks through our doors. I've been in the restaurant industry my whole career, an industry with a terrible turnover rate. So many people think they… Read More

  • Children Labor Loss Of Loved One Mentoring


    I founded Sufficient Grace Ministries for Women in 2004, eight years after the loss of my twin daughters Faith and Grace and about six years after the loss of my son, Thomas. Faith and Grace were born still in 1996 at 26 weeks, while Thomas only lived for six hours after he was born full-term. When I was pregnant, he’d been diagnosed with Potter’s Syndrome, which was termed ‘incompatible with life.’ I chose to continue to love and carry Thomas to term so we could meet and hold him before he went back home to Heaven.… Read More

  • Labor Mission Work


    I have always loved missions. I attribute a lot of that love to my mother. From a young age, she encouraged my brothers and me to go on short-term mission trips. I was in 6th grade when I took my first trip to Slovakia where we had the opportunity to build foundations for a campground at a local church. After Slovakia, I spent summer after summer going on more trips. I was hooked. My parents used to say if any of their children were to leave the U.S. for the mission field, it would most definitely be me. As the… Read More

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