
  • Financial Help Food Labor Unique Ministries


    God led me to walk away from a 17- year career in education as both a classroom teacher and school principal in order to bring to fruition Roots for Boots, a grassroots organization that aims to meet the needs and challenges of military heroes and their families. God is the CEO of the non-profit. I’m the Chief Enthusiasm Officer. I have always had a passion for serving and helping others. When I reflect on my life, I can clearly see how God was preparing me for this opportunity as well as see His hands move through all we do with Roots for… Read More

  • Labor Unique Ministries Verbalizing the Gospel


    God gave me an unusual platform and I intend to use it for Him as much as I can. I throw the javelin, a gift I didn’t even know I had until college. And I’ve been blessed to compete in three different Olympic Games. I’ve worked incredibly hard on refining my skills and I practice every day to the best of my ability. Yet my identity is not attached to a number on a scoreboard; rather, it is found in Christ. I just do the best that I can and glorify God in that. When people see me, I want them… Read More

  • Labor Loving Your Neighbor Special Needs


    I never thought a simple act of kindness would have such an amazing impact. It really showed me how much God can use any situation or anybody for His glory. I’ve been a UPS driver in Vermont for 29 years, and really gotten to know a lot of the people on my route. Especially during the pandemic where we’ve been making so many more deliveries. I love my customers and try to show Jesus’ love to them any chance I get. That's what I did with Max. He’s a 14-year-old boy with autism who rarely speaks or smiles. I try to say… Read More

  • Labor Special Needs


    Purpose over profit. That is the mission behind The Red Porch. I was working at an organization that runs programs for developmentally disabled adults when they partnered with the owners of an old office building to create a very unique coffee house. This café would be used as a training facility for developmentally disabled adults. The project heads knew I had coffee knowledge, so they pulled me onto the project as manager. In the initial planning stages, I discovered how much God’s hand was involved in the project. The staff and I set aside a day to taste pastries and coffee drinks to… Read More

  • Labor Loving Your Neighbor Verbalizing the Gospel


    My mission field is rather unique: it's my auto repair shop that I opened 17 years ago. Since it was God that blessed me with this business, I made a commitment that I wanted Him to be honored there. I needed it to be a place of worship and blessings. Many would say that working on cars and worshiping Jesus don't really go hand-in-hand, but Jesus was a carpenter and I wanted His presence there throughout the day. My goal was to have all my customers and suppliers also feel the anointing spirit of the Lord. I had trouble finding a… Read More

  • Labor Loss Of Loved One Unique Ministries


    “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” they say and for me, it’s true. I believe that the Lord calls us to be servants unto one another, using our abilities for Him. Although I own a cleaning company, I volunteer my services to help those who are in need. I live in a very small community so word gets around quickly when someone is sick, injured, or there’s a death in the family. Some bring food and others send flowers. I head over and bring my mop, broom, and cleaning supplies. I’ve cleaned free of charge for many elderly people who were just not… Read More

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