
  • Labor Unique Ministries Verbalizing the Gospel


    “Why live on the edge when you can jump off?” is my motto. I’ve always been up for a challenge. I love the Lord and enjoy using my athletic abilities as an opportunity to share His love. I grew up in  church and planned to be in the ministry in a physically active area working with young people. I wanted to be a youth pastor or start a youth camp. After college I received a Master of Religious Education. Then I met and married my Godly husband. We adopted an amazing son so I became a stay-at-home mom, teaching Karate from… Read More

  • Children Church Activities Labor


    I never dreamed I’d go from delivering the U.S. mail to delivering boxes of miniature, wooden parables of Jesus to the doorstep of families at my church. I retired from the post office and began serving at my church. I work with children who learn about Jesus using a Montessori-style of learning. Everything is hands-on, and experiential. For example, through the use of a hand-painted, wooden Jesus figurine, a dozen sheep, and a green pasture with a fence, the Bible story of Jesus as the Good Shepherd is discovered by children through play manipulation of the materials. Many other parable… Read More

  • Labor Loss Of Loved One Loving Your Neighbor


    Television news is an extremely competitive business, with stations trying to capture as many viewers as possible, each and every night. But sometimes even the biggest competitors in business can show a heart like Jesus to one another. On June 12, 2021, Christopher Sign, the news anchor for WBMA in Birmingham, Alabama died in an apparent suicide. It shocked the entire community and was especially traumatic on his co-workers. It was almost impossible for them to do their jobs, but the news had to go on. The day of his funeral was especially difficult since they all wanted to show their… Read More

  • Labor Loss Of Loved One Mentoring


    The Christian Heart takes a break from our usual stories to tell you about one of our own who went to be with The Lord on June 23, 2021. Lenora Pate served on the Board of Directors of The Christian Heart and AllWorship ministries for 23 years. She truly exemplified what The Christian Heart is all about. Our ministry tells what everyday people do to show their love for Jesus. Lenora displayed her love for Him in every aspect of her life, but she was far from “everyday.” Professionally, she was one of the top lawyers in the state of Alabama, ranking… Read More

  • Children Food Homeless Labor


    It hurts my heart to see needs unmet and people in pain. And I see a lot of hurting people. As the Executive Director of Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, I come in contact with so many people in our community that don’t know when their next meal is coming. Food insecurity is real. There are countless families that encounter this each day. To be able to fill such a vital need brings joy to my heart. I’ve also learned that many of these people often need a listening ear, an encouraging word and sometimes just a hug. Growing up… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor Recovery


    How do we become workaholics? The roots are many but mostly from our early identity formation. My workaholic journey began in my teens. Just before entering high school, my family moved from an urban industrial multiracial working-class city to a laid-back middle class suburban community. The cultural shock knocked my identity off its foundation. To fit in, I unwittingly became a people pleasing overachiever. There are upsides to hard work and high achievements. But my story reveals the toxic side of this trait when it forms our identity. As an insecure adolescent, I just wanted to be accepted but did not understand… Read More

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