At a very young age, I had to move in with my grandparents. I was little, and of course I missed living with my parents. But deep down, I knew it was for the best. However, my papaw wasn’t too keen on his new living situation. From day one, I felt unwanted by him. His words really hurt me, and at a young age, I didn’t like him. But when I was 11 yrs old, my papaw fell. He hit his head on the pavement, which led to severe damage and bleeding on his brain. I remember watching my mamaw pray over him every day. I really love my mamaw, so anytime she needed me to do something, I did it. I wanted to help her, even if it meant caring for him. Shortly after his fall, I was helping a lot. I would help him back and forth to the restroom, I was proactive in making sure he took all his medication on time, I helped feed him, and at times I had to lift him. It was hard. A lot of times, I found myself remembering the past, and the hurtful things he used to say to me. But as I matured, I felt something inside me change. I started to really care about my papaw, and a love for him started to grow. It’s been four years since his accident and his health improves each day. Unfortunately, he still suffers from apraxia and aphasia—the inability to understand or form speech. I still help him walk, feed him, and make sure he takes his medications. Yet now, I can truly say I love him, no matter what was said or done in the past. The Bible talks about love and forgiveness. I could help my papaw all day long, but if I don’t have love in my heart for him, I have nothing. I can continue to remember the hurtful things he said, but Matthew 18:22 says to forgive your brother seventy times seven. Everyday, when I’m helping my papaw, I’m reminded of God’s love. And that love is sometimes hard, but not impossible.

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1 Comment
Peggy Donoghue
August 20, 2019 at 1:49 pmWhat a blessing that everyone has received from this one difficult situation….but I also see something else…that is…. no matter what we do to hurt the Heart of God He still loves us and forgives us even when we are not appreciating all that He has done for us……and there are times when it takes a very difficult situation before we learn to appreciate the things He has done for us. Also, it is amazing how much we learn to love the one who needs our help….the more we do for them, the more we show our love for them and that gives way to the wonderful feelings of love. This kind of Love is taking care of someone who needs us…..It is the heart of a parent….especially our Father in Heaven.