Homeless Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


Useless. Sad. Worthless.

Those were my emotions when I experienced homelessness for the first time in 2006.

Addicted. Uneducated. Criminal.

That wasn’t me. I was just a mom who couldn’t afford permanent housing for me and my three children. Unfortunately, I’ve experienced homelessness three times in life because daycare costs for children are expensive, and I wasn’t receiving child support from their father. I also couldn’t afford to pay rent even though I was employed because I made too much money to qualify for government assistance.

When I felt useless, sad, and worthless, I had to shield my emotions to protect my children’s mental state and emotions. Experiencing homelessness and not having stability while raising children put me in a vulnerable state.

Although vulnerable, I never let my relationship with God waver. I couldn’t afford to pull away from Him. I needed Him more than ever. I needed God’s total protection to trust strangers to help us get out of this situation.

I held onto Psalm 91: “The Lord is my refuge”. That’s what He was to me.

I’m so blessed He put programs in my life like Love INC and Charlotte Family Housing to be a blessing to me. Love INC blessed me with a 1999 Jeep Cherokee. They were aware of me not having a vehicle, but I didn’t complain. I rode the city bus and did what I had to do. God placed them in my life to help me with transportation. Charlotte Family Housing provided shelter for us so we wouldn’t live on the streets. I’m forever grateful.

There were so many programs and people who helped me rebuild my life.

Experiencing homelessness motivated me to pay it forward. Recently, I’ve helped a couple with children and a single mom transition into stability with job placement, resume tips, housing, and transportation. I’ve built a rapport with my local social workers to mediate assistance for those in need.

Along with my church group, I donated warm clothes to the community this winter. We also organized soup kitchens and partnered with day shelters to provide a warm environment for rest and washing clothes.

Each month, I volunteer and donate to people and families in poverty. I want to continue providing support in my local community because outreach ministry is now my purpose in life.

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