I have always loved missions. I attribute a lot of that love to my mother. From a young age, she encouraged my brothers and me to go on short-term mission trips. I was in 6th grade when I took my first trip to Slovakia where we had the opportunity to build foundations for a campground at a local church. After Slovakia, I spent summer after summer going on more trips. I was hooked. My parents used to say if any of their children were to leave the U.S. for the mission field, it would most definitely be me. As the years passed, my passion for missions grew and my heart burned for the lost around the world. I desperately wanted to bring the hope of Christ to those who needed Him most. I refused to let go of the passion and the dream to one day serve on the mission field. There were trials that came my way delaying my departure. At the age of 16, I lost my beloved mother, the very one who had inspired and encouraged me in my love for missions. Then in 2010, I was in a terrible accident, completely crushing my leg, resulting in years of physical therapy and multiple surgeries. At the time, it was so tempting to give up on the dream I had always had, but I knew God had called me, so how could I do anything but persevere to answer that call. I always knew I would be a missionary, and despite trials and obstacles, I now have the privilege of serving full-time in South Africa, where we are working to impact communities with the power of the Gospel. By the grace of God, we can transform the nation of South Africa, one community at a time.

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1 Comment
Barbara Andrews
October 2, 2019 at 1:46 pmGod will bless you and the people you minister to. It will difficult at times but tough times makes us stronger. I will be praying for you. My daughter had planned to go as a missionary but She developed cancer and the Mission Board would not approve her. Her husband is the Pastor of a small church in Virginia. She has 2 children and both are very active in their churches in other cities.