I am a Transitional Kindergarten teacher and I love working with my students each year! I have been teaching for about twenty years now, and sometimes the work I do is really challenging. Some of my students have learning disabilities or behavioral disorders. Often times, the kids just don’t understand what’s going on, and their parents may be equally unaware. This can be so difficult. His grace each day gives me the help I need at just the right moment. More importantly, He has given me many opportunities to share the Gospel with both the students and their parents. One great joy I have experienced is seeing families come to faith in Christ, and getting to witness first hand the transformation of their hearts, lives, and even marriages. What I’ve learned throughout these years of teaching is that when God gives you a task, He is going to equip you with the strength to do it. No matter how difficult it may seem, and even when you’re crying in the bathroom, He will give you the strength and wisdom to continue and to love well!

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