The world is so divided right now. You can’t say anything without offending someone and causing strife. This is so contrary to what God commands us to do: love one another. It’s one of His two great commandments. Yet we stand divided on just about every issue. God woke me up one night and laid it on my heart that I needed to do something about this. I didn’t know what someone with my skills could do about something that significant, so I tried to ignore it. But it kept eating at me throughout the day, which I can see now was the Holy Spirit at work. A few days later, I was driving and the guy on the radio said we just need a big sign that says to love everybody. And I felt God’s presence all over me. That was what He wanted me to do. So my wife made a sign that simply said “Love Everybody” and I stood on the street corner and waved it at passing cars. The next day, Kerry stopped and gave me a bottle of water. We started talking about race relations and how sad it was that we all just can’t get along. I told him I had another sign and asked if he’d like to join me. So here we were, a white man and a black man, waving “Love Everybody” signs at our community. The reaction was amazing. People honked, stopped to talk, and yelled encouragement. One lady took what we thought was a picture, but it turned out to be a video. She apparently sent it to the local television station and from there, it was picked up on the national news and got hundreds of thousands of views. Before we knew it, we were getting calls from all over the country, with people asking how to start this in their area. Simple–make a sign and hold it up! Someone started a Facebook group that has thousands of members. God says be a blessing to others and His blessings will fall on you. I can tell you from experience that this is true. Being obedient to His nudge has been one of my life’s great blessings. It is my prayer this creates an environment and community where we can talk openly about anything–not just about race but any issue–and really listen to and love one another.

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1 Comment
August 8, 2020 at 4:17 pmYes God expect us to love every body but not to befriend every body. We must be selective of whom we choose to be our friend even if we love the person. We must be distant from any person that are drawing us back to sin and should never maintain close friendship with such a person.