Infertility affects so many couples but is rarely discussed. My husband and I married in 2011 and a year later, we tried to start a family. But we couldn’t get pregnant. We got tested, and were told we’d never be able to conceive. We were devastated. Several months later, I invited six other women who were struggling with infertility into my living room. It was so refreshing to have honest and transparent conversation about what we were experiencing. Afterwards, we prayed and all felt a close connection to each other and to the Lord. While infertility was very difficult, I felt renewed since I was now focusing on Jesus and not finding my life’s worth in becoming a mom. I started writing down my thoughts in a blog called In Due Time. I was amazed how many people started reading it and how quickly the group in my living room transitioned to an online presence called Moms in the Making. So I ended up leaving my job in corporate finance and making this a full-time ministry. I wanted to encourage women on their journey to becoming a mom by sharing the hope and truth of God’s Word. One of our first endeavors was to put on a faith-based infertility conference. We announced it through our social media pages. When it came time for the conference, we had 160 women from 33 states as well as someone from Africa and the Bahamas. We were so grateful for this response. This has now turned into an annual conference. So many infertility groups might be a chance to get together and lament. What makes this different is that our ministry, Moms in the Making, is all about Jesus, not making an idol out of things or finding your identity in being a mom. It’s finding your life’s worth in Jesus. We talk about maintaining hope and the power of prayer. It lights a spiritual fire for those that attend, creating a hunger for God and a desire to open The Word. As a result, Moms In The Making has grown; we now have support groups in 42 different locations in the U.S., Germany and Canada, as well as 8 virtual groups—even one in Spanish. In addition, I host a biweekly podcast, A Cup Full of Hope, and authored a faith-based devotional called In Due Time.

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