One afternoon, I was leaving the grocery store after running some errands and outside in the parking lot, I see a horrible scene unfold. As I walk toward my car, I see a man violently raging against this woman. He is winding his arms back ready to do some damage, but right then, with Hulk-like force, he shoves her out of his car. She hits the ground hard, back first. He drives off as quickly as his temper flares. I feel utter shock and dismay by this savage scene, but also prompted by the Holy Spirit to intervene. I quickly get out of my car and ask the woman if she is okay. The woman is sobbing and just keeps repeating, “He left me, he left me, I don’t have a job or money.” I wrap my arm around her as she’s crying, and ask if I can give her a ride home. She agrees, but then asks me to take her back to her boyfriend—to the man who has just assaulted her. I try persuading her to go elsewhere but she won’t listen. I feel so defeated that I am unable to convince her NOT to go back. Before dropping her off, I ask for her number, but she refuses to give it to me. I then ask to pray with her, give her my number, and let her know if she needs anything—a job or a couch to sleep on—I’ll provide it. But I never hear from her again. I don’t know what happened to her, but I do know a seed was planted and our living God is at work. The thing is, I try to live my life kingdom-minded, a term I’ve recently learned means being prepared to show Christ’s love through everyday living. I try to plant seeds by inviting the Holy Spirit to walk with me throughout the day, and as He prompts me, I listen. I’m not perfect, I mess up all the time, but I try to live in a way that reflects Jesus’ love for others. I love hearing His voice and being his planting-seed ambassador to whomever He puts in my path.
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