I did not grow up a Christian or in a Christian household. But my spiritual life dramatically changed when I met my future wife, since she was very grounded in her Christian faith. She is a teacher and has always worked with young children, so loving kids was always in her heart. Even before we had our four biological children, we always talked about adopting a child at some point. We thought a good first step would be to become a foster family to kids looking for a forever family. Our family ended up fostering two brothers, and I could tell during this time that the Lord was working on my heart. Most of the families who thought about adopting the boys wanted to separate them. That just wasn’t acceptable to us. The longer the process took, the more apparent it became that God had His hand all over this. After a lot of prayer, we both became very open to adopting both boys. Since adopting them, it is easy to see that they helped our family more than we helped them. We all banded together. Everyone chipped in. It brought our family closer. That is how the Lord works. We learned it’s not about blood, but it’s about love and compassion.

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