How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Mission Work Unique Ministries Verbalizing the Gospel


    Wales Goebel is an example of how God can use someone to do great things, no matter how old you are. At the age of 39, Wales left a successful residential construction business, feeling God’s calling to begin a Christian ministry for students in high school and college. He worked tirelessly preaching The Word to these kids, and over the next few years, he saw several thousand students give their lives to Jesus. During these years, he discovered that some students would share very personal problems with him. Young girls would confide they had an unwanted pregnancy, and were looking for a place they could go to receive help. Their need was so great that it burdened his heart as to what he could do to help them. After talking to a number of Christian friends, Wales prayed that God might lead him to bring some peace to the lives of these young ladies. And God led him to open a Christian ministry called Sav-A-Life, a faith-based pregnancy resource center which provided wonderful counseling to girls with unwanted pregnancies who were considering abortion. The ministry grew and in the next few years, expanded to other cities. There are now 67 Sav-A-Life centers in six states. There are also two in the country of Ecuador. A year later, Wales was approached by two unmarried girls who wanted to place their babies for adoption. They asked him to make sure their babies would be raised in a Christian home but he couldn’t find any adoption agency that would guarantee that request. He began to pray that God would… Read More

  • Church Activities Labor Unique Ministries


    I could’ve gone to Nashville. I could’ve made it “big” by the world’s standards. But nothing is quite as fulfilling as playing for God. My personal convictions and His guidance led me to a place where I find solace in “Jammin’ for Jesus”. I come from a family of God-fearing men and women who show their love for Him through worship and praise. Some were even traveling Gospel singers, so I was more than humbled to follow along in their steps, knowing that’s what God wanted for me. Somewhere along the way though, I became distant from my personal calling. I chased what felt “fun” instead of what felt right, and it led me down a dark path for about five years. Once I realized that I was using the gifts that God gave me in vain and incorrectly, I felt such shame that I couldn’t even pick up my guitar for another few years. Though everyone has their own personal convictions, my biggest was with music. I stopped listening to and playing other genres that promoted worldly behavior, and began to play for Him and Him alone. The peace He has given me doesn’t result in me searching for worldly comforts anymore. I don’t need to play to become rich or famous. I play to worship the Lord. In my personal career as a tattoo artist, I listen to worship music while I work and constantly pour Him and His word into my life, letting it radiate out from me in hopes that it will reach others. I even get to mentor other young artists… Read More

  • Labor Overcoming Obstacles


    It was only when my daughter asked through the visitation glass how much it would cost out of her piggy bank to keep me out of jail, that I truly recognized: I needed God. I could no longer do this my way. My options were exhausted so I began looking towards Jesus that day. I had been in active addiction for 20 years and spent a year in jail. I never could see the end of that road, until that day. It wasn’t always easy, but I had a different kind of strength once I laid down my burdens, trauma and fears. God was truly with me. I finally recognized it, and accepted Him into my heart and my life. Once I was released from jail, I was court ordered to participate in a drug court where I learned about recovery. I began volunteering at a Christ-centered sober-living program for women called, “The Gift House”. It was there that I found just how necessary it was for me to keep God, front and center, of all things I do in life. Not only did I have to have that personal relationship with Jesus for myself, but I had to do it for the women who were now looking up to me, of all people. After about two years of volunteering, I was asked to be the case manager and oversee the program here at The Gift House. My life, my wants, my desires, all aligned with God’s Will, finally. I have been truly blessed by this program. I spend my days mentoring women new in… Read More

  • Hospital Labor Prayer


    Overwhelmed. I felt that every day. Not even six months into my nursing career, with Covid cases spiking, tears were a part of every shift. It was during this time that God brought a patient into my life who taught me what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the “least of these.” Initially admitted because of Covid, she was destitute, discouraged, and homeless. A lifetime of rough living had left her jaded and demanding. She was with us for almost three weeks before we discharged her. Several weeks later, I fought dismay as I saw her name as one of my patients again. Losing her will to live due to her deteriorating health and lack of family support, she had quit eating or even leaving the couch. Extremely malnourished with grotesque bed sores, we all knew she was dying. So did she, and her tears and emptiness were touching. One day as I was getting her a drink, I felt an overwhelming urge to verbally pray for her. Every reason this was a bad idea immediately flooded my brain and tormented me on the way back to her room. As I entered and saw her tears again, my heart melted. “May I pray with you?” Her only response was a nod. Awkwardly I prayed for peace, comfort and salvation in her life. I do not remember my exact words, but they were short and not eloquent. But from that point on, our relationship changed. While it still was not easy, God gave me the ability to see her as He saw… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Labor


    Frustration filled my heart. I was already in my second year at the University and still didn’t know what I wanted to study. I had tried accounting, but knew that working with numbers would never fulfill me. I wanted to do something to help children in need. Specifically, kids like me. My younger siblings and I had grown up in Costa Rica. Because of abuse and neglect, we’d be put under the protection of child services. Then, when our birth mother had showed a bit of improvement, we'd be sent back to live with her. This cycle happened several times before she eventually stopped making any effort for us. In the children’s home where we were placed, our path crossed with a missionary who became the mom we’d never had. She fought for us, eventually starting her own orphanage, so that sibling groups like ours wouldn’t be separated when they aged out at 12 years old. After opening the doors of this new children’s home, our dream came true! She started the process of OUR adoption: we were going to be a forever family! Sadly, it never came to be. In 2018, as we were finalizing the adoption, she was diagnosed with cancer and later passed away. Looking back, I can see God’s hand on us even then, but my heart still aches when I remember the questions, doubt, anger and fear I felt during that time. Two years ago, I was invited by a visiting mission team to share my story. Still battling with uncertainty about my dreams and future, I began to talk.… Read More

  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    My biological dad suffered from severe alcoholism. He was decapitated by an Amtrak train when I was 11 years old. I grew up with a verbally, physically and mentally abusive stepdad. My family struggled with poverty, food insecurity and shelter. I was sexually molested and raped by multiple perpetrators for several years beginning when I was only 4. At 19, I was raped and left in a field. By age 21, I was married and pregnant. I suffered from anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation. At 24, I learned the baby boy I was carrying had died. I carried my dead son in my womb for nine days. I spent time in mental hospitals. I went to therapy. I was prescribed the anxiety medication Xanax, then later Klonopin. I abused alcohol, nicotine, pills and marijuana throughout my life. I was divorced multiple times. A back injury spiraled me into a narcotics addiction that led to a methamphetamine addiction. I was a junkie. I prostituted for drugs. At age 44, I was being evicted from my apartment. I had no phone, no car, and no friends. My family had stopped speaking to me. I was lost and broken. I fell through the floor of rock bottom and knocked on the gates of hell. I had nothing to live for. I decided to commit suicide, but God intervened. I went from belief in Jesus to surrender to Christ, born again, and dying unto myself. Jesus miraculously and instantly healed me from depression, addiction, and suicidal ideation. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all… Read More