How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Mission Work Unique Ministries


    In 2001, I felt led to join a mission group and after raising funds, I was on my way to Bulgaria. After joining New Mission Systems International, I was looking forward to teaching English to the community. We hoped it would be a good way to support the local churches and to evangelize. In the town of Botevgrad, we held English classes in The United Churches of God. We started with just four adults because it was the first thing to have been opened to the public there. I was the second person to come in, after our team member, Sandra, had paved the way. At first, the locals were hesitant to join because they were cautious of strangers or new visitors. Having public events seemed odd to them. Since I was still learning the language myself, I relied on my translator, Valeriya, to help smooth the way. She and I began to incorporate American culture into some of the lessons to gain more interest. We also added Bible lessons as a way to bring the community together. It really does take a village, so we had several other young people help us translate everything until we got better at speaking it ourselves. It was a great help and without it, we would not have been able to answer their questions as efficiently. One lesson we held was about the American tradition of Thanksgiving. They wanted to learn about that holiday. It was such fun dressing up and having a Thanksgiving meal with them. As Christmas approached, we decided it might be a… Read More

  • Loss Of Loved One Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    I was 30 years old when my wife, Lyndsie, went home to Heaven after a 10-year battle with cancer, leaving me with two young kids. I walked out of that Emergency Room on August 28, 2015 without her, wondering how I would explain to our kids that their momma would not be coming home. I couldn’t believe this was my reality. In the weeks that followed, I was surrounded by people who loved me and my kids well. They sat with me, listened, brought meals, wrote encouraging notes, sent gift cards and helped with the kids. It was clear that our community was doing their best to hold me and the kids up, and we were so grateful for the ways they showed up for us. But as time went on, the outpouring of love slowed down to a trickle. Understandably, life went back to normal for most of them. But not for me. As guys, we have a well-earned reputation of not asking for help. We mistakenly believe we can eventually figure it out on our own. I just couldn’t call the people that had offered to help. My pride wouldn’t let me. But then again, it wasn’t just your normal help I was looking for. During that time, I remember wishing that another young widower would reach out to me. Someone that really knew what I was going through and could help me navigate the complexities of grief, from the unique perspective of a widower with children still in the home. There was so much I didn’t understand in that season, but… Read More

  • Homeless Prison Ministry Recovery


    I was not always a man of God. I had quite a colorful past, being involved in illegal street activity. A former drug addict, I had a $1500 per day drug habit. It didn't matter what kind of drugs either, I used any and all kinds. My choices got me into a lot of serious trouble, which alternately led me to a few prison sentences. I had previously been told about Jesus Christ, but I did not know him for myself. My life was in shambles because of my own actions. It got to the point where I was going to harm myself or someone else, but then I remembered what my mother had told me about Jesus. So I called on Him and He came into my life. Instantly, I felt at peace. I didn't start by asking Him to fix things. Instead, I asked for Him to fix me. I had been broken and without clarity. Chaos had been my best friend. But I could not live like that anymore. Jesus Christ came into my heart, freed me from myself and made me feel calm and at peace, even though I continued to face many difficulties. With Jesus, I felt it would be okay. With the help of other Christians, I began to walk right. I learned about God, His love for mankind, and His love for me personally. I started to take classes like “Helping Others Heal” and I stopped using drugs. Jesus removed my obsession and He also placed upon my heart, a desire to help those who were suffering.… Read More

  • Children Mission Work Unique Ministries


    I’ve always felt a pull toward Africa. In my twenties, I was so moved by God’s love for the poor that I felt compelled to act. I intended to start a children’s home in Nairobi, Kenya. Kibera is the largest slum in Africa. The one-room homes have corrugated metal roofs, cardboard walls and dirt floors. Surveys report 98% of residents have witnessed a violent crime in the last year, and 66% of girls prostitute themselves for food before age 16. While there, a team of us went door-to-door and asked hundreds of mothers, “If you could change one thing for your child, what would it be?” We anticipated answers such as move to a different community or secure a good-paying job to support my family. But we were wrong; every single mother said the same thing: get my child a good education. My plan to start an orphanage changed to focusing on schools. The Headmistress of a school in the slums identified hunger as the #1 issue. She explained how hard it was to have students complete standardized tests because they would cry due to hunger. “How much would it cost to feed the 70 kids who don’t have food?” we asked. Her answer: $200 a month. Though we aren’t rich according to American standards, my husband and I immediately committed to paying this ourselves. God provided us with the means to do so, and this was the easiest “yes” we’d ever given. All the teachers at this school were volunteers. Thanks to supportive donors, the teachers now receive the same wage as government-paid teachers in… Read More

  • Children Prayer


    I was beyond excited when we found out we were going to have a second child. Having dealt with infertility issues and other medical problems, I was considered extremely high risk. My obstetrics doctor had scheduled an ultrasound right away so the baby could be monitored carefully. When I went in for the appointment, I was looking forward to getting ultrasound pictures and anxious to hear the baby's heartbeat. As the tech did the tests, he had a look of concern on his face. Normally, there's friendly chatting during the procedure, but not this time. I expected to meet with the doctor next, but for some reason, she never came in. I felt like something must be wrong. The assistant explained that he saw no baby and there was no heartbeat. He told me I had probably had what's called a missed miscarriage, where the body absorbs the fetus. Instantly, tears ran down my face. How could I have lost the baby when there had been no symptoms of miscarriage? The idea seemed impossible. It was also incredibly odd that the tech gave me this information instead of my doctor. He told me I would need a procedure called a dilation and curettage, or a D and C, but I couldn't bring myself to schedule that without a second opinion. Leaving the office, I sobbed uncontrollably in the car. I was so distraught my husband came home from work to be with me. That day, and every day for the next week, I prayed continuously for my baby to be there. Pray in… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    Candace Cameron Bure rose to fame as a child actor in the late 1980s as D.J. Tanner on Full House. As an adult, she has appeared in countless Hallmark and Great American Family movies, as well as Dancing with the Stars, The View and Fuller House. She's a wife, a mother of three, a producer and a best-selling author. But she’s also become very well known for her love for Jesus. “While I am thankful for all of those opportunities and titles, I feel that the most life changing one I identify with is ‘Christian.’” writes Candace on her website. “I am a Christian woman who loves Jesus and seeks to give Him the glory above all else.” Candace’s faith is the core of who she is; it is not something that stays at home when she goes to work. “My faith in Jesus Christ is the foundation of who I am. My faith is so important to me whether in celebration or in challenges,” Candace told in an interview. “I stay in God’s word, the Bible, so I am comforted by truth and the hope God gives to all humanity and not allow fear to drive my emotions or decisions. I also know that when I have feelings of hopelessness or fear, that God understands them and wraps His arms around us like the Father that He is.” She was not always so grounded in her faith. “Many people think I grew up in a Christian home, but I didn’t,” she writes on her website. “I grew up in a moral home, a home… Read More