I could’ve gone to Nashville. I could’ve made it “big” by the world’s standards.
But nothing is quite as fulfilling as playing for God. My personal convictions and His guidance led me to a place where I find solace in “Jammin’ for Jesus”.
I come from a family of God-fearing men and women who show their love for Him through worship and praise. Some were even traveling Gospel singers, so I was more than humbled to follow along in their steps, knowing that’s what God wanted for me.
Somewhere along the way though, I became distant from my personal calling. I chased what felt “fun” instead of what felt right, and it led me down a dark path for about five years. Once I realized that I was using the gifts that God gave me in vain and incorrectly, I felt such shame that I couldn’t even pick up my guitar for another few years.
Though everyone has their own personal convictions, my biggest was with music. I stopped listening to and playing other genres that promoted worldly behavior, and began to play for Him and Him alone.
The peace He has given me doesn’t result in me searching for worldly comforts anymore. I don’t need to play to become rich or famous. I play to worship the Lord.
In my personal career as a tattoo artist, I listen to worship music while I work and constantly pour Him and His word into my life, letting it radiate out from me in hopes that it will reach others. I even get to mentor other young artists and aspiring musicians through the Word of God and my knowledge of his Will for our lives.
I get on stage a few times a week and get to play for sometimes hundreds of people, helping them worship our Lord, and that’s such a beautiful, important thing. It isn’t just me though; it’s the Holy Spirit, working through the crowd. It’s the contagious energy of love and worship that works through our band.
All of the glory goes to God. I’m just His vessel when I have this guitar in my hands, and I’m grateful to be.
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