Verbalizing the Gospel


I grew up going to church and was always intrigued about this God. I went through most of my childhood knowing Him but not really having a relationship with Him.

That all changed when a soccer teammate of mine invited me with her to a church camp. Little did I know my life would be transformed.

At one point during the camp, we were worshiping. It’s hard to describe but I felt the Holy Spirit come within me. I left the camp with a different perspective on life and actually knowing this amazing person we call Jesus.

I am forever grateful for my teammate who invited me to this camp. Because of her, I was saved.

Romans 10:14 says, “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?”

We all need to invite others to get to know Jesus and make Him known to the world. Go out into this broken world, and be like my teammate–inviting others to get to know Jesus!

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