It’s so important that we pass on everything we have learned to our children. And that’s because they are the future leaders. But can you imagine a bunch of leaders who do not have an education? I teach a Sunday school class of about 40 kids here in Ghana. The majority of them do not go to school at all and can’t read or write. For that reason, it’s hard to teach them Bible verses and English songs. It’s sometimes hard to imagine what their future will be like with little or no education. This unfortunate situation makes me very sad. They will never be able to read and understand the word of God, which is the most important thing in life. So I decided to teach those who were willing to read and write. It was a bit challenging when I started. Most of them were interested. But some of their parents stopped them from learning because they are also not educated, and saw no value in it. There’s close to a 70% illiteracy rate in our region. They simply want to take their children to the market to help them sell. But by God’s grace, most of them know the English alphabet and that’s a great encouragement to me. God is nudging me to continue despite these hurdles. So I’m putting together a team to help me teach these kids how to read and write so they, too, can benefit from the Word of God.

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November 17, 2020 at 10:56 amI am reading your story 2 1/2 years later, but I hope you have made progress with teaching your class to read and write. What a beautiful story!
November 17, 2020 at 2:02 pmMay the Lord Bless you.