Church Activities Overcoming Obstacles


When I was 16, I lived a life full of alcohol and drugs. I went through physical and sexual abuse, dealt drugs, faced self-harm, and honestly have no idea how I made it through alive.

The year I turned 19, I was put in jail for the possession of multiple narcotics, and my mom put her house deed on the line to get me out of jail. I was only there for three days, but it was enough to shake me and show me what I needed to do to get out of this spiral.

When I turned 20, I left my hometown and joined the army. I was no longer using drugs, but I was living in denial of being an alcoholic. It wasn’t until I had my third child a decade and a half later that I realized how short I was selling myself and my family. But I still was living in my guilt and my shame.

On January 6, 2020, I went to a healing conference at my home church, Fullturn Church. I was able to learn all God had done for me, and what authority and power was available if I could just believe it in my heart. This was the night I decided to completely trust God with all that He purposed for my life. All the shame, guilt and bad choices lost their hold on me. None of it mattered anymore! I pressed myself into the Word of God and watched His plan for my life unfold.

Since that night, I have not had a drop of alcohol, and have seen so many miracles happen in my life! I’ve been led to ministry in several facets of the church, hoping my life will serve as a testimony to others of God’s goodness. Be encouraged knowing that God loves you, and if He did it for me, He can and will do it for you. He turns ALL things for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. And His plans are to prosper you, not to harm you. So that we may hold unswervingly to the hope that we profess, for the One who promised is faithful!

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