My father came to this great country for a better life. He came to know the Lord Jesus as his personal savior and his change meant great persecution. When he arrived in the United States, he dedicated his life to preaching the truth of who Jesus is to the Italian immigrant community. I remember my father praying daily that his children would have a relationship with Jesus, and that someday our family would have pastors and missionaries in it. Now that my father has passed, remembering those prayers gives me great comfort. I have done all I can to follow in my father’s footsteps and raise my children to know Jesus. Although I work at a construction company during the week, my real passion is for the church we helped plant many, many years ago. My wife and I decided to move from the heart of the city to an area filled with Italian immigrants to help a new pastor plant a church. I literally built the church brick by brick after work and on the weekends. My wife brought us food every day as we worked to make this dream a reality. That was over 60 years ago now. It’s hard to believe. I am amazed every time I walk through the doors of my church—amazed that I was privileged to help build it; and amazed at the number of people who are now following the Lord because of the ministry through this church. My children are a product of that ministry. In fact, my son is a pastor and my granddaughter is now a missionary. Truly, my father’s prayers were answered in the legacy of our family. I am so thankful for the prayer ministry of my father, and for the ministry the Lord continues to do through this great church.

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