I am a simple man, but I have a heart for people. For the past 16 years, that passion has led me to visit sick and hurting people in the hospital as well as elderly people who are unable to come to church. I oversee the Hospitality and Care Ministry at my church. I coordinate a group of men at the church and together, we visit everyone on our list each week. This ensures that every person is visited on a regular basis. This ministry is so rewarding because I can bring the hope of God to people who feel hopeless and lonely. It is hard being an elderly person who is always alone, or a person who is sick in the hospital. They need to be reminded of God’s hope and love for them. On Wednesday of every week, I make my rounds to people. I always bring my guitar and sing for them, which ushers in the presence of God. This uplifts them in a tremendous way. I love what I do, and I do it with excitement! I love to see the joy on a person’s face when I sing a worship song. The most important thing I do while I’m there is pray with them. Nothing can touch them like Jesus can! I know the people I visit look forward to having someone from the church there with them every week. I love these people, and I love knowing that I am giving them something priceless in this world: hope. Romans 15:1 says, “We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.” Those of us who are able have a responsibility to help those in need. Jesus set this example for us while He was on Earth. I thank God for giving me the ability and opportunity to reach out to others.
Church Activities Hospital Prayer Senior Citizens
Posted on February 11, 2020
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Mark Coggins
February 11, 2020 at 11:45 pmBro. Gerardo is one of my heroes. He has a way of lifting your spirit the minute he steps into a room. He and Sis. Gloria are steadfast in what they do, day in and day out, for the glory of God!
Veronica Pruneda
February 12, 2020 at 12:09 pmOh my goodness! I love what this man is doing! It truly touched my heart. God bless you and your ministry always!