
  • Children Mentoring Verbalizing the Gospel


    My life has been a journey of mundane moments, mountaintops, valleys, and soaring times, all shaped by my hope in the Lord. I recall my youth, weary and stumbling, but also how God continually renewed my strength. His loving guidance, like a constant presence over me, has been my anchor (Psalm 32:8). Even in the mundane, I’ve witnessed His hand, especially during my high school years. In the 1980s, my days were filled with music, Bible quizzing, art, and babysitting—seemingly ordinary, but deeply significant. I was passionate about studying Scripture for Bible quizzing, memorizing verses from the New Testament, and reciting… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Labor


    Frustration filled my heart. I was already in my second year at the University and still didn’t know what I wanted to study. I had tried accounting, but knew that working with numbers would never fulfill me. I wanted to do something to help children in need. Specifically, kids like me. My younger siblings and I had grown up in Costa Rica. Because of abuse and neglect, we’d be put under the protection of child services. Then, when our birth mother had showed a bit of improvement, we'd be sent back to live with her. This cycle happened several times before… Read More

  • Children Loss Of Loved One Overcoming Obstacles


    Mariah would be the first to tell you that the life she’s living now is not one she ever imagined. She has a loving husband, a beautiful life, and a God who has been by her side. But everything changed on the soul-crushing day when her son, Reagan, passed away. For most of her life, Mariah rarely questioned God, but this was the moment that shook her faith to its core. On February 24th, 2023, just days before Reagan was supposed to enter this world, she went to the hospital after no longer feeling his movement and would soon come to learn… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Homeless


    I apprehensively dressed for the day, carefully choosing all black to project the most intimidating image that I could. Black nails and lipstick, eyeliner, shirt and pants. It was the day my little sister and I were being taken from the orphanage where we’d been for the past three years to a private children’s home. As the child services vehicle wound its way through the mountains of Costa Rica, I fought dismay at the thought of living in the jungle. I remember praying as a child that God would save me from the cycles of witchcraft, parties, drugs, and violence that… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Overcoming Obstacles


    Some moments impact your life forever. One of those moments was the summer that I took time off from my secretary job to be a volunteer counselor for two 11-year-old foster girls at Royal Family Kids Camp. This is a week-long camp designed to ignite hope and deepen faith in the hearts of children ages seven to eleven who have been abandoned, abused or neglected. Since we knew this was their last year attending camp, the girls and I lived life at high speed. They wanted to accomplish all the camp activities they had not tried in past years, learn new skills… Read More

  • Children Hospital Overcoming Obstacles


    I didn’t feel like a mom. I had seen my baby for what felt like two seconds. When I saw her again, she had lines and tubes coming out everywhere, and I couldn’t even see her face under the CPAP mask. It would be nine days before I could hold her. I felt sick. With my stomach scarred from the cesarean, and my hands raw from “scrubbing in” to see her, I felt like my body had failed. My daughter was born at 28 weeks as a result of pre-eclampsia. We then spent 53 days in the NICU. She was my third pregnancy,… Read More

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