
  • Children Mentoring


    Together, we volunteer with a boy's 8th grade class at an inner city school. We've been going there every other week for three years. We know the value of a male in a young man's life. And so many of these young men don't have fathers that are very active. If you don't have an interested dad, then there will always be something missing. It's important for them to have role models that might be different than what they see in their everyday world. We invest in these kids. We care about each one individually and take time to hear whatever they want… Read More

  • Children Labor Prayer


    I work in the NICU at a large hospital in the heart of the city. When children are born with deficiencies, they are sent to my unit. It is here that I take their vitals, feed them, change them, give them medicine, and most importantly, love on them and pray for them each day. Some of these children have parents who stop by regularly, and some have parents that are out of the picture. I see both happy and sad situations as well as outcomes every day. Regardless of the circumstance, I treat each child as if he or she were my very… Read More

  • Children Mission Work


    A few years ago, I accompanied my husband to a meeting about Vapor Ministries which helps bring major changes to third-world communities immersed in extreme poverty. I am a retired paramedic and teach at a community college, so I thought I was going just to provide moral support to him. Little did I know that I would become so involved with this ministry. I began by volunteering at their thrift store, and then became coordinator of one of their ministries. It's a child sponsorship program that aims to break the cycle of poverty through assisting the… Read More

  • Children Senior Citizens


    Several years ago I volunteered for the first time at the Operation Christmas Child processing center. As I inspected some of the shoe box gifts, I noticed several didn’t have anything in them except hygiene items and school supplies. I was surprised and heartbroken that I didn’t find any toys in those shoe boxes. There was nothing for children to play with. At that moment, I decided to do something about it. When I returned home, I prayed about what to do. The Lord answered my prayer by giving me a pattern to make dolls. I went to work, and… Read More

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