It was 1998 when my wife and I went on our first medical mission trip to Venezuela. I had been a surgeon and in practice with my brother for 17 years. As we worked in a make-shift clinic on a rooftop, we felt God speaking to us and asking us to begin a new adventure with Him. We said yes and when we returned home, we began contacting hospitals, physicians, and leaders in the community to determine where the greatest need was. We found out that there was an overwhelmingly large group of low income and uninsured adults who fall… Read More
Who am I riding in the car with? He's cursing, doing drugs and has a gun. He pulled up to visit a friend, leaving me in the passenger seat, puzzled. The music was blasting, it lacked compassion, promoted drugs, violence, and promiscuity. The beat may have appealed to the flesh, but the words corrupted the soul. While I listened to the music and watched this unfamiliar man from the car, I realized he became a reflection of the music he enjoyed listening to. In that moment, my heart hurt, witnessing a once-close relative become a total stranger. He got lost… Read More
When I was in 6th grade, I failed my school state test, and self-doubt started invading my thoughts. As a 22-year-old, I felt overwhelmed, having to quickly transform into my mother's care giver, all while trying to survive being a college student with no job. For several months, I performed fasts and prayed for my purpose and the deeper reason on why I felt inadequate. I realized I was my own worst enemy; I gave my past failures the power to constantly hinder my thoughts. So I decided to make a change and stopped being so self-critical, and practice self-love… Read More
We are called to something much greater than ourselves: to love God and to love others. I never thought my calling would be found intertwined in the hearts and lives of marginalized women in the sex industry. Jesus Said Love began growing in my heart as I stood serving breakfast at Mission Waco to women who worked the streets. Soon a chasm began growing between my life lived in green rooms and on stages as a worship leader and the lives of the women I met. A need for them to be seen, fully known and loved---right where they stood… Read More
God truly uses our gifts no matter how insignificant a gift it may seem. For years, my sisters and I have worked together to decorate and put on events. We have done everything from wedding receptions to birthday parties for family and friends. Over the years, we have accumulated so many decorations that we have our own “warehouse” (my sisters garage!) full of décor for every holiday and event you can imagine. Little did I know how the Lord was going to use our skill and resources to bring Him glory in our community. Two years ago, I began volunteering… Read More
I was a senior in high school when I became pregnant with my first son. Thanks to the love and support of my family, I was able to finish high school and go on to become a nurse. Eventually, I came to accept the love of Jesus and married a powerful man of God.
While I was still young in my faith, some friends of mine from nursing school invited me to a Bible study where I became involved in mission work in rural Kenya. After volunteering for a number of years, I eventually took a… Read More