
  • Church Activities Labor


    I started working in the GE factory when I graduated from high school. I worked there until the day they shut it down, 20 years later. For months, I had been trying to find a job knowing that mine was soon coming to an end. But nothing. On that last day of work, I went home and wondered how I would provide for my wife and children. Our pastor had been speaking on relying on God for our needs, so I did what he said: I prayed a very simple prayer and asked God to provide a job for me. The next… Read More

  • Homeless Labor


    It's amazing who the Lord chooses to use in ministry. I grew up in a family of non-believers that rarely went to church. But I found the Lord through reading the Bible. I knew I was being called into the ministry early on, but I could not imagine the Lord using someone like me. Despite the doubt, I surrendered to the call of ministry and began attending seminary. I was not sure what the Lord wanted to do with my life, but I desired to work with an inner city ministry where I could preach the gospel to lost people. In December of 1995,… Read More

  • Children Labor Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    I've always been drawn to kids who were hurting. Maybe it's because I didn't have anyone to talk to when I was struggling at 12 years old. And, back when I was growing up, you did not go to counselors for help. Instead, I talked to my horse, Princess. One summer day, God spoke to me and put it in my heart that I would eventually start a ranch for hurting children. Many things have happened between that time long ago and today. I worked in business, with at-risk youth and as a special education teacher. But I didn't forget what the… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    Several years ago, an opportunity landed in our laps to start our own business. The steps leading to this seemed like it was divine intervention. But I was still full of anxiety because I had never run my own company. I called various banks to discuss a small business loan to get things rolling, and after meeting with several that didn’t seem quite right, I met with the guy who would become our banker. We talked at length about the business and life in general. Then he walked me to my car and asked, “Greg, I’m really not supposed to ask… Read More

  • Children Labor Unique Ministries


    "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." This verse in Proverbs made more sense after I had my second child. I used to bring neighborhood children to my house every Saturday afternoon to share stories from the Bible. Most of them usually came because we always had candy and other treats. After a few weeks, I noticed there was a lack of Christ-centered children's learning materials in Ghana. Even our TV channels do not have many Christ-centered children's videos and songs. If children are not exposed to Christ-centered… Read More

  • Labor Prayer


    I was working as a hairdresser while going to college in Hawaii. After I graduated, one of my clients asked me to help in her real estate brokerage firm. She had seen my love for people and wanted me as an agent. She gave me an offer I couldn’t refuse. She paid for my training, licensing, coaching and continuing education plus gave me all my leads and a weekly salary. This opportunity allowed me to rapidly gain extensive real estate knowledge and skill. And I loved the work! But when we moved to the mainland, my license did not transfer. We… Read More

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