I am consistently amazed by the ways God works to extend His mercy and grace when we as Christians stay open to His leading. In my life, a change in plans for a business venture thwarted sex trafficking in my community and resulted in a local refuge for women escaping such trauma. Neither outcome was envisioned when I and a Christian brother partnered in a rental real estate business with the goal of giving to Kingdom work from the profits. I run a structural metal manufacturing company and I have a heart for missions, so I was excited by the opportunity.… Read More
Unique Ministries
I grew up with a single mother and four siblings. Hardship was no stranger. Sometimes, we had no place to call home, and as a kid, I thought my circumstances meant I should dream small. God gracefully proved me wrong. In 2010, He gave me an ambition that destroyed the box I once dreamed in: a dream to eradicate poverty through community outreach and free acts of service. God showed me what once disqualified me in some places now qualifies me in others. He brought me out of poverty so I could tell others, “You can make it.” In 2012, I put… Read More
I take donated, broken-down cars, fix them up and then give them to low-income families in rural South Carolina that are in desperate need of transportation. It can totally transform that person's life. It is an absolute blessing to do this and I can see the Lord’s hand in how all this got started. I love to barbecue, especially ribs made from my great grandmother’s recipe that has been passed down in my family since 1898. My friends love them, and they convinced me to enter a rib cooking competition in September 2019. I’d never done anything like that but I… Read More
My world blew up nine years ago because a loved one’s secret sin, when exposed, led to his imprisonment. I was suddenly left to provide for and protect my four children. The challenge was enormous as a stay-at-home who had been in ministry for 20-plus years. I lacked emotional, physical, and spiritual strength as a broken person searching for dignity and solutions in the midst of devastation. While the Lord had been my rock and salvation since childhood, I was shaken to my core. Christian friends and family carried me through the darkest of days, as well as a complete stranger who… Read More
Unfortunately, I have become an expert on the side effects of chemotherapy since I’ve had 35 brutal rounds. I know firsthand what this does to your body. I’m now trying to use this knowledge to help my fellow cancer patients and make Jesus known in a unique way. I was a healthy 27-year-old when I was first diagnosed with colon cancer. Then the wonderful world my husband and I had built was suddenly rocked to its core. Surgeons removed a foot of my colon and all of the nearby lymph nodes after a colonoscopy revealed a “mass” blocking most of my transverse colon. When… Read More
I lost my son when he was just six weeks old. Liam was born prematurely at 29 weeks due to a placental abruption. His lungs were never fully developed and he battled RSV and bacterial pneumonia in the NICU for nearly five weeks. We were thrilled when he was finally released. But three nights later, he stopped breathing while he was in my arms. I cannot describe the depths of my hurt and despair. I have to admit, I got mad and blamed God when Liam died. I’d been a good Christian all my life, and couldn’t understand how this was happening.… Read More