Though I often live in darkness with no electricity, Jesus is my light. Though I may not have a fancy building or riches, Jesus dwells in my temple daily. I was born in Nigeria, but my parents both passed when I was young and I never received a proper education. I ended up spending much of my childhood sleeping on the streets, waiting for food, hope, and love. During my teen years, I was involved in a severe accident, where the bus I was traveling in rolled over six times. The details are blurry, but I remember a young girl placing a… Read More
Verbalizing the Gospel
I could not stop wasting time. It was crazy. I wanted to do something with my life. I wanted to help people, but instead, I went to sleep, sang in the shower, or sat and stared at the wall. I didn't talk to anybody. I was introverted from the moment I was born, it seemed. I wanted to reach people and show them the light of Jesus I had been shown as a young child, but I never had the right words to say. I felt there was no way to overcome my fear of talking and telling others about God's… Read More
I am a man who has a strong passion for the less fortunate. What I prefer to call it is a God-given burden for people. The city in which I live is one of the most impoverished and crime-ridden cities in the country. For the past 39 years, I have given my time and efforts to the homeless people of Flint and Detroit, Michigan. I donate whatever I can to them. More than clothes or food though, the most important thing we can give is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are so many in this world that feel hopeless. But we… Read More
We were awakened by an explosion that shook our building. We ran to our terrace on the 24th floor, just six blocks from the World Trade Center. Above us was thick, black smoke coming from the North Tower. Right from our terrace, we watched as a second plane came roaring overhead and struck the South Tower. The impact hurled us backward into our living room and knocked us unconscious. When we came to, we ran down the stairs, barefoot and wearing pajamas. Soon after, the towers fell, covering us with dust as we desperately searched for a clear air pocket. We were… Read More
For more than 10 years, I have enjoyed making small wooden crosses and giving them away to random people. We all run into people from time to time that seem distressed, troubled or overwhelmed. I try to find a way to give them a cross. As I offer the crosses, I usually say, “The cross reminds me that God is good.” I seek opportunities to give them away as often as possible. I hand them to anybody I run into during the course of the day. It might be my waiter at the restaurant or the receptionist at the doctor’s office.… Read More
Vision Beyond Borders grew behind the desire to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to those who have no hope. We go into oppressed or impoverished areas all over the world and simply ask them what they need. We then try to help and serve them in any way we can which opens up the door for us to share the good news of the Gospel. Our ministry started 30 years ago by providing Bibles in native languages to people around the globe who were persecuted for their faith. I was in southeast Asia and met a pastor… Read More