This winter season our family got bamboozled by 2017’s epic virus infestation. It felt like we were in an underground bunker for weeks on end, surrounded by snot-infested tissues, fevers, vomit, screaming toddlers, and so little sleep. It was torture. When my kids are sick, I feel helpless, heartbroken, small and extremely tired. It’s in moments like these I realize I have very little control in life, and this truly results in lots of prayer. Even though I desire control, I ultimately feel relief knowing Jesus “takes the wheel”–especially since half the time I’m just wondering where my keys are (ha!). I’m so grateful for a God who truly knows me and cares about the little things too, like tummy aches, runny noses, and scraped knees.

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1 Comment
Catherine Kayne
February 8, 2018 at 11:47 pmSimple but great truth. God in every day life♥️