How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    At a very young age, my brother was very physically abusive to me to show off in front of his friends. My entire household was full of pride and ego. Nobody could ever admit they were wrong; there were always issues. There was never a family dinner without fighting, screaming and somebody walking out of the house! I had at least 23 suicide attempts starting at the age of 11. The abuse was so great at my house that I was ordered to move out to avoid my brother being taken into juvenile detention. I truly cried out to God! I said, “If You’re real, I need You to come and save my life or I’m going to kill myself,” and I attempted to shoot up a gram of methamphetamines (which would kill you). The following day, I ended up being arrested. In jail, I was moved from every block for fighting and for my attitude. I ended up in solitary confinement, which is where I truly found God. I remember crying to God and saying, “Please Lord, don’t leave me behind. I’ll do anything You ask me to do. Anything! Just don’t leave me behind.” I heard His voice telling me to get down low. I went straight to the floor, crying, finally ready to submit everything and give up my own understanding. He said to draw a line. I opened my eyes and there was a piece of pencil lead right in front of my eyes. I drew a line across the floor. I heard Him say to get up and step over it, so I… Read More

  • Hospital Overcoming Obstacles Special Needs


    My name is Kareem McNeal, and I was once in a situation where it looked like I would have a promising career with the NFL. A sudden accident changed everything, in an instant. I could easily have blamed God for losing my opportunity, but I did not. My faith was stronger than what happened, and I continued to trust in God.  I am from Tuskegee and went to high school in Montgomery at Alabama Christian Academy. Originally, I did not have a desire to play football, but the football coach asked me to try out for the team. It seemed by accident that I got my start with football. It was hard at first and I wanted to quit, but I did not want to disappoint the head coach. As an overweight and out of shape ninth grader, I did not feel as if I could contribute anything. Over time, I got taller, lost weight, and started to get better at the sport. By the end of tenth grade, things began to click for me.  I found it fun to play football because I got to run people over. That was my goal every game, and I was good at it. During my junior year, the coach said I could go to college and play for any school I wanted. After that conversation, I began to receive recruiting and calls from all over the country. During that process, I improved and advanced even more. I received awards and got player of the year for the state… Read More

  • Loss Of Loved One Overcoming Obstacles


    After his suicide, I was left to be a single mom. I was broken down and confused. Things only became worse after my daughter's funeral, just 18 short months later. The pain of life became too much to bear so I put my focus on creating my own fate through witchcraft. My obsession of the occult became consuming while I raised my two sons. I would’ve never seen going to jail and becoming a felon something of God's grace, but it truly saved my life, and now I know, my soul. I didn’t find God sitting in the pew of a church, but rather a jail cell at 6:00 am on a random Wednesday. My sentencing was for eight years in prison. I had no crystals, spells or candles to help me. However, a sweet lady prayed for me. I held onto that prayer and found hope in the concept of God, but still did not fully understand why I felt the way I did. When I was released and waiting on final sentencing, I went straight for my tarot cards. However, the moment I touched them, I knew that the life I had been living was behind me. I was immediately convicted by the Holy Spirit. I prayed instead. It’s been over a year since that happened. I never again touched the tarot cards, which were a daily ritual for me for many years. I pleaded guilty and was sentenced to prison, but it was probated. I praised God right there in the court room. My mornings no longer look sad and hopeless, dying for answers of… Read More

  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    On September 30, 2011, my life changed dramatically. When I was driving my kids home from school, I suddenly didn’t feel well and had to stop the car at the side of the road. My sons called 911 and I was taken to the hospital. All the hospital tests were negative, but this sickness persisted. It was very difficult for me as a single parent as I became unable to drive to work as a home health Physical Therapist. I was also unable to take the kids to school. A family friend tried helping to take the kids to school but with me not being able to drive, it became evident that something had to be done. It was decided that the children would go to Georgia in the middle of the school year while I went to California where my brother and mother were at the time. While in California, I started searching for answers through prayers. What I thought was going to be a week of sickness, turned out to be the start of a long journey of encountering Christ while He took care of me and my kid’s needs. I learned a lot about Jesus during this period. I learned to trust God. I learned the meaning of “Carry your cross and follow me if you want to be my disciple.” This, and much more, is the collateral beauty that came out of that dark experience. There were many times that I felt lonely as I stayed at home and others went to work. But the Lord gradually took away the roadblocks that surrounded… Read More

  • Children Loss Of Loved One Overcoming Obstacles


    Mariah would be the first to tell you that the life she’s living now is not one she ever imagined. She has a loving husband, a beautiful life, and a God who has been by her side. But everything changed on the soul-crushing day when her son, Reagan, passed away. For most of her life, Mariah rarely questioned God, but this was the moment that shook her faith to its core. On February 24th, 2023, just days before Reagan was supposed to enter this world, she went to the hospital after no longer feeling his movement and would soon come to learn that we would never hear his heartbeat again. Her world was shattered, and it took a long time to find the strength to even consider picking up the pieces. Now, as she approaches the two-year anniversary of her son’s passing, she faces each day one moment at a time. Mariah has wrestled with big questions about God, doubted His goodness, and questioned His faithfulness. Yet, as she slowly pieces her heart back together and learns to live with the pain of loss, she’s discovering more about God’s heart than she ever thought possible. Through the eyes of her daughter, Mariah sees that life can be filled with suffering, and yet God is still good. Both can be true at the same time. Right in the middle of these two conflicting realities, you’ll find her striving to rediscover the love that Jesus has for her. She’s using that love to be the best mom she can be and to hold others with the tenderness they… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Homeless


    I apprehensively dressed for the day, carefully choosing all black to project the most intimidating image that I could. Black nails and lipstick, eyeliner, shirt and pants. It was the day my little sister and I were being taken from the orphanage where we’d been for the past three years to a private children’s home. As the child services vehicle wound its way through the mountains of Costa Rica, I fought dismay at the thought of living in the jungle. I remember praying as a child that God would save me from the cycles of witchcraft, parties, drugs, and violence that had filled my childhood, having no idea how that prayer was about to be answered. We pulled up to the gate, and I apprehensively stepped out of the truck and right into the arms of the home’s founder. Shock engulfed me. I had never been greeted with a warm welcome. Not in the prior home and never, ever by my own family. Over the next few months, I tried to keep my guard up, but this strange place made me curious. They talked about Jesus, hugged all the kids and even when we were disciplined, there was a difference. There was no intention to harm, only of loving correction. For the first time in my life, I felt seen. Since that day six years ago, my journey of healing has continued. I find it funny how I used to say I couldn’t stand to be around children. I look back now and realize that they reminded me of the suffering of my own… Read More