How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Children Overcoming Obstacles Special Needs


    My son, Isaiah, has no peripheral vision and can only see one foot directly in front of him. But that hasn't stopped him from playing football. Or baseball. Or basketball. Immediately after he was born, my wife noticed there was something that wasn't quite right with his eyes. We thought it might just be fluid in his eyes. At two months, we took him to an eye specialist. After some extensive tests, he broke the news to us: Isaiah has bilateral optic nerve coloboma--the tissue didn't form properly around his retina. He actually has holes in his retinas. He would never be able to see much. While we were devastated, we also felt God blessed us with the diagnosis coming at such a young age; we could start working with specialists to help him adapt to this life. This would be his normal so it was up to us to help him make the most of life. And boy, has he! At age four, he learned how to roller skate and ride a two-wheel bike. He started playing baseball in the Miracle League where the ball whistled when it was pitched to him. And at age 10, he started playing football. Isaiah is the nose guard on defense who lines up right over the center, so he can see when the ball is snapped. He loves the contact and practices harder than just about any kid. Some of his teammates didn’t even realize he couldn’t see a foot in front of him. But he led the team in sacks, tackles for a loss,… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Loss Of Loved One Unique Ministries


    I was absolutely devastated when our son, Garrett, died of SIDS. I cried out to God, "Why?" That happened 27 years ago and the pain is still ever-present, and always will be. God blessed us with two other wonderful sons who have since grown. After our boys started their own lives, there was a lonely spot in my heart, an emptiness. I turned to my husband and said we should become foster parents. He was reluctant, since this wasn't our "plan." We had a 401K and wanted to travel as empty nesters. But we went to some fostering classes, and the light went on for him. We became foster parents, and after a couple years, we adopted two beautiful children. A few years later, we adopted twins, so our family now includes four young energetic children. Since we were foster parents, we saw how little foster care kids have of their own. When they go from one home to another, they usually bring all their belongings in one sack. They've never had their own "stuff". This broke our hearts. We felt a nudge to change this. So my husband and I cashed in our 401K and started Garrett's Place. We provide free clothes, toys and books to foster children. When they enter Garrett's Place, kids get a suitcase and can fill it with toys and 14 outfits. It's a way of giving the foster children some control, something they haven't had much of in their lives. Then we put a Bible in the suitcase. Word… Read More

  • Homeless Labor Unique Ministries


    I travel around the country giving free haircuts to the homeless, veterans and anyone going through tough financial times. There is something about a fresh haircut that puts a bounce in your step. But I don't look at these as just haircuts. I feel I am empowering people because this gives them a bit of hope and an assurance that someone cares about them. That's why I named my ministry, Empowering Cuts. As a kid, my dad used to give me haircuts because we couldn't afford going to a barber. But honestly, he would mess up my hair really badly. So I guess that is where I got my interest in going to barber school. When I was there, my instructor would take us to homeless shelters to get some practice cutting hair. I loved talking to these men because I wanted to understand their addictions. You see, both my mom and dad were drug addicts. I wanted to try to figure out what leads to addiction. Even though my childhood was difficult because of this, I know I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for my faith. When I graduated from barber school, I set out to give these free haircuts to those in need. My friends told me I was crazy, that this didn't make sense. I had children at home that I needed to support. The money I make being an Uber driver isn't a lot, but it does pay the bills. But I know that God gave me a clear message to do this, and I believe Him… Read More

  • Other Prayer


    My husband was a very successful businessman and always wanted to mentor others, showing them the steps to success. He was a true giver. But we all know people who tend to overstep the boundaries, taking someone's kindness and using it for their own gain. My husband had one such particular colleague. He started treating my husband terribly, stealing and poisoning my husband's clients against him. At one point, after a business dispute, he even threatened our family's lives. For a time, we lived in fear. I developed such a hatred toward this man that I found myself wishing him dead. But God led me to Matthew 6:14-15. He said that I had to forgive my enemies. What?! How could I forgive a man that has taken advantage of my husband and threatened my family? He doesn't deserve my forgiveness, and he's never apologized to me. So why should I show him any mercy? Then God reminded me, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall be shown mercy." Who was I to judge? Despite my stubbornness, I begged God to make me willing. So, every time I thought of this man, I mumbled, "I hate him, God. But forgive me and bless him." I did this everyday regardless of how I felt about him. Eight months later, I was driving down the road, and felt something overwhelm me to tears. It was God filling me with love and forgiveness for this man. You cannot give what you have not received. Yet, we've all received forgiveness from our Heavenly Father.… Read More

  • Labor Mission Work


    My name is Levi and this is my story of how God called me by name to do missions. I was working as a pizza deliverer and struggling with my sense of purpose in life as a twenty-year-old college graduate. My mom’s advice was to look into a missions program called The World Race. It's a mission trip to 11 countries during an 11 month timeframe. When I had first heard about it years ago, I dismissed the idea of going because it cost too much money. Yet now, here I was, seeking newness and purpose in my mundane, day-to-day grind. So I applied to the program. Ironically, the week that I got the exciting news that I was accepted to participate in this life-changing missions experience was the same week that I received the unfortunate news that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. Suddenly, I didn’t know what to do. Was the right choice to travel abroad and serve others while sharing Jesus with them? Or was the better choice to stay home and be with my family? Trying to find guidance, I opened up my Bible to a random page and began reading. My eyes landed on Mark 2:14. It said, “‘Follow me,’ Jesus told him, and Levi got up and followed him.” Levi got up and followed him. Well, if that wasn’t God directly speaking to me, I don’t know what is. So I decided to get up and follow Jesus around the world. For the next 11 months, I met so many amazing people in various countries, preached the… Read More

  • Labor Overcoming Obstacles Unique Ministries


    I lost my left arm in a shark attack while I was surfing at age 13. I felt a sudden tug and pressure on my arm and saw a flash of gray which turned out to be a 14-foot tiger shark. I went into survival mode and began praying, “God, please help me, please get me to the beach.” I prayed this prayer many times. I was rescued and rushed to the hospital where I lost 60% of my blood. I’m thankful I made it through that day and the difficult week that followed. So many doubts, fears, and unknowns flooded my world. But I had the peace of God to carry me through. When I was recovering, I thought, Okay, God, what are you up to? But I knew God was in control and had a plan for my life. I knew something good could come out of this. I just didn’t know what that was at the time. I put my trust in God to get me through this and not let fear control my life. The hope I found as a Christian led me to overcome this, along with the amazing support of my family, the kindness of my community and having a passion for life. I had learned to surf when I was eight and had really gotten into surfing competitively. That passion I had for surfing was greater than my fear of sharks so I was determined to get back on the board. So that became my goal. Within a month, I got back in… Read More