How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery Unique Ministries


    I couldn’t keep living life the way that I was. I knew that there had to be another way, but it was so hard to see with addiction staring me down, day in and day out. As a child, I never would’ve thought my future held a crippling meth addiction. I also couldn’t have guessed that Jesus would be the one to save me, either. I found out in my teen years just how hard it is to stay strong with a hurting heart. My heartache did not subside for many years. My grandmother's passing led me down a darker road than I could’ve thought possible. Looking back now, I see that God had His hands on me throughout it all. Despite my confusion and misunderstandings, He was there throughout all the time. It took years of trying to do “better” and repeatedly failing before I finally desired that relationship with Jesus Christ for myself. Through the rehab stays and pain, I was left with nothing but an aching, empty heart. The only thing left in the line of my sight was the light of Jesus Christ. I sat my will to the side and dug into my Bible. Through scripture, I learned the truth of life and God. Matthew 16:25 pulled me through, and changed it all for me. I truly experienced a death of the old me, in every way possible. Waking up in the mornings and looking myself in the mirror is no longer painful to me. I now spend my days ministering to others, mentoring other men in a Christ-based recovery program called… Read More

  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    Drugs. Depression. Debauchery. Reckless living. A prodigal son to a T. That was my life before Jesus Christ. I was born into a Christian family; my father an immigrant from El Salvador and my mother a Midwest woman. They met in the Army, fell in love and married quickly. I have two younger twin brothers, and we grew up in a household abundant in love and compassion, but we didn’t have two pennies to rub together. We were so poor, at one point, my family bought grapes and beans that had fallen on the floor because it’s all that we could afford. I can’t remember a time in my life when I wasn't in church. My family was always involved with whatever was happening in our church community. Yet somehow even with the consistency, I chose rebellion and the ways of the world. As a teenager, I joined a metal band, started smoking marijuana, drinking and living the party lifestyle. This quickly led to getting in trouble with the law and nearly landing 26 years in prison. Thank God for His mercy and a great lawyer. In my twenties, I decided to attend a Christian college and earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Business. Being in that environment gave me a Godly worldview and taught me how to treat people with respect and love, but I still wasn’t fully choosing God. Something I hid for years was that I was sexually abused as a child by someone outside of my immediate family, which kept me in a cycle of depression and drug abuse, relapsing frequently. I dealt with… Read More

  • Loss Of Loved One Verbalizing the Gospel


    The Christian Heart ministry lost a very special person last month. Mike Whitten was a vital part of The Christian Heart since its very inception. He was always there to encourage us when times became challenging. He was our ministry's greatest cheerleader. He would always remind us that it was our goal to point people to Jesus. He was one of the most successful businessmen in Birmingham. But you'd never know it by his humble spirit. Mike’s generosity was amazing, always asking what you might need and doing his best to fulfill that need. He just loved to meet the needs of people. He and his wife, Sandy, helped out countless Christian ministries in our area, and always in a quiet way. But it was his heart for Jesus that stood out above everything else. No matter who he met, he'd work the conversation around to where they went to church and whether they knew Jesus. For each of us, there are probably just a handful of people who have had a huge impact on our walk with the Lord. Mike was certainly one of those people for me. And for that, I’ll be eternally grateful. There is no doubt that when Mike left his earthly body and entered heaven, he heard, "Well done, my good and faithful servant!" We will all miss him dearly.

  • Adoption/Foster Care Children Overcoming Obstacles


    Some moments impact your life forever. One of those moments was the summer that I took time off from my secretary job to be a volunteer counselor for two 11-year-old foster girls at Royal Family Kids Camp. This is a week-long camp designed to ignite hope and deepen faith in the hearts of children ages seven to eleven who have been abandoned, abused or neglected. Since we knew this was their last year attending camp, the girls and I lived life at high speed. They wanted to accomplish all the camp activities they had not tried in past years, learn new skills for the talent show, and savor every moment of the week. It was awesome to watch their delight as God blessed their efforts with success. Throughout the week, I did not see the girls open up as I had the other years. The girls I met on Monday were the ones I spent the week with. What happened on Friday explained it all. Preparing to leave is always difficult, and one of my girls was crying as she made her rounds, telling person after person good-bye. As she did, she kept looking out the window to see how close her foster mom was to the front of the line. She came to me just before her name was called and asked if I could tell that she had been crying. Since I could see no evidence of tears, I told her “No.” After a minute, I asked her, “Do you not want them to know?” She simply replied, “No.” As I watched her… Read More

  • Hospital Overcoming Obstacles Special Needs


    In September 2017, my daughter, Jennifer, had just dropped off her three boys at school and was driving to work. Her car veered off the road and went straight into a pole. Her heart stopped. Paramedics tried to revive her three times. Usually after that many attempts, they quit. But they tried once more, and were successful in reviving her. She was rushed to a hospital where doctors tried to keep her alive. In addition to all her severe injuries, the doctors determined she had suffered some brain damage from a lack of oxygen, so they put her into an induced coma. They said this would help reboot her brain. They thought she would wake up once they weaned her off the induced coma, but she didn’t. After a while, the doctors at the hospital encouraged me to take her off life support. They said she would never heal. That if she did wake up, she wouldn’t “be here” and I should let her pass peacefully. But I refused, saying, “It’s not up to us. When God is ready, He will take her.” Friends and relatives hit me with this same advice. They told me to let her go. But I just couldn’t. I felt it was my calling to keep loving her as long as God kept her alive. After a few weeks and, in part, because of this pressure to take her off life support, I had Jennifer transferred to a trauma hospital at the University of Chicago. I would pray every day on the way to the hospital for the Lord to give me… Read More

  • Adoption/Foster Care Special Needs


    One day, I had a conversation with my husband’s sister where she described a recent dream. She saw my husband holding a dark-skinned little girl and calling him Daddy. This really moved me. A couple of days later, I was scrolling on YouTube, and saw a video of two little boys from the Philippines singing a beautiful worship song together. Once again, I became emotional, and God gave me a vision. He put it on my heart that there was a little girl with chunky cheeks and big brown eyes who needed us. He told me we needed to bring her home to our family. I walked out to the backyard to share this with Stan. Tears flowed from my eyes, and I became convinced that the Lord was showing us what we needed to do. Stan was in law enforcement, and I was a stay-at-home mom. We had always said we would adopt, but we were living on one income with four biological children at home. Because life happens, adoption had fallen to the back burner. We did not know anything about how to adopt internationally or how to care for a child who had special needs. We were walking blindly through faith in obedience to Christ. In 2016, we brought our daughter, Mika Ella, home. With having cognitive delays, being non-verbal, and having bilateral clubbed feet, she had significant special needs. But we quickly bonded with her. We had seen exactly what the orphan crisis was. So many children will never have a family, and that hit us so hard. We left… Read More