Prison Ministry

  • Prison Ministry Recovery


    I found myself in the pit of life. I partook in all the vices imaginable and didn’t know how to turn my life around. I had always been resistant to God. I tried to take myself to places where God would never be pushed on me. But even in a bar where I could drink and forget about my life, someone came right up to me and began sharing testimony of God’s love. This was the first of many instances that God touched my heart in the most unexpected situations and places. Prison is when I truly began my authentic connection with… Read More

  • Homeless Prison Ministry Recovery


    I was not always a man of God. I had quite a colorful past, being involved in illegal street activity. A former drug addict, I had a $1500 per day drug habit. It didn't matter what kind of drugs either, I used any and all kinds. My choices got me into a lot of serious trouble, which alternately led me to a few prison sentences. I had previously been told about Jesus Christ, but I did not know him for myself. My life was in shambles because of my own actions. It got to the point where I was going to… Read More

  • Overcoming Obstacles Prison Ministry


    My husband Jimmy and I have been working with a prison ministry called “Malachi Dads” for the last five years. It is different from other prison ministries in that we meet as couples with men in the prisons who have children. Our weekly discipleship program starts with the salvation message, and then focuses on the verse in Malachi 4:6: He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers. We teach the men about healthy marriages and how to be good fathers to their children, encouraging them to write to them… Read More

  • Financial Help Food Labor Prison Ministry


    If you’ve truly hit rock bottom and come out of it thanks to God’s blessings, then I think you should be a light to others that are struggling. I’ve lived with no running water, had my car repossessed and sold drugs just to feed my three little kids. I hit my lowest point 11 years ago when I saw an acquaintance walking on the street. I just offered him a ride and he gave me $10 for gas. What I didn’t know is that he had robbed someone earlier in the day. He was arrested, and because he was in my… Read More

  • Mentoring Prison Ministry Unique Ministries Verbalizing the Gospel


    I was a sixteen year old girl when I heard Matthew 25:36. “I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you cared for me, I was in prison and you visited me.” The verse about visiting those in prison had always stuck with me. Many years later, a group called the Gideons spoke to my church about their prison ministry. I asked one of the members after church if I could get involved in their ministry. He said that I had to be a Gideon, and I reluctantly left it at that. But three months later, the… Read More

  • Labor Prison Ministry Unique Ministries


    Have you ever had a desire to help an organization but didn't know what you could do? That was my situation when I became aware of the Angels Charge Ministry, a faith-based non-profit helping women coming out of prisons or detention centers to transition successfully back into society. I started by simply providing the women with transportation, as many of the women did not have cars or licenses after leaving prison. I would drive them to work or appointments. After some time, God also opened my eyes to the overall needs of the ministry. I noticed those leading… Read More

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