How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Financial Help Food Loving Your Neighbor Special Needs


    My husband and I started Abigail's Place in 2015, a ministry that offers people with special needs a chance to live independently. In 2013, we found a young man with special needs sleeping on the floor of a home where 11 other people lived. It really broke our hearts. After we opened up our own home to him, God began to show us ways to help others with their housing. There are so many people with special needs that need to be rescued from their current environment. That young man is now one of our current residents in the homes that we provide. We have five residents so far, and have succeeded in purchasing three tiny homes. It is our goal to purchase more in the near future as God provides. The services we offer include cooking meals for them, access to a washer and dryer, and assistance in transportation to doctor visits, the store, church, and other activities. They are learning to be responsible for their own lives, as we provide assistance with their physical, financial, and spiritual needs. There is a sense of love for one another that grows as they learn to help each other. We also have a thrift store where we take in donations of clothing, household goods, and money that we distribute as needed to the residents. The Lord led me to Psalm 91. He showed me these homes were dwelling places, and that He is covering them with His wings as they take refuge at Abigail's Place.

  • Church Activities Labor Unique Ministries


    God truly uses our gifts no matter how insignificant a gift it may seem. For years, my sisters and I have worked together to decorate and put on events. We have done everything from wedding receptions to birthday parties for family and friends. Over the years, we have accumulated so many decorations that we have our own “warehouse” (my sisters garage!) full of décor for every holiday and event you can imagine. Little did I know how the Lord was going to use our skill and resources to bring Him glory in our community. Two years ago, I began volunteering at my home church. I have the incredible pleasure of decorating my church for every event and every season that we have. I take such joy in this because most of the people in our church are poverty stricken and live in section 8 housing which is often run down. These people are often forgotten by the rest of our community. It’s been amazing to see the response people have had to what I would consider simple decorations we put throughout our church. They feel like it's been spruced up just for them. It warms my heart when I overhear some ladies say how much they admire the care we took to create a lovely display. It brings me so much joy to see the smiles on their faces from these decorations, since they probably face more hardship in one day than I do in a month. My hope as I create simple pieces of beauty is for people to… Read More

  • Children Labor Mission Work Unique Ministries


    I was a senior in high school when I became pregnant with my first son. Thanks to the love and support of my family, I was able to finish high school and go on to become a nurse. Eventually, I came to accept the love of Jesus and married a powerful man of God.

    While I was still young in my faith, some friends of mine from nursing school invited me to a Bible study where I became involved in mission work in rural Kenya. After volunteering for a number of years, I eventually took a job looking after the health of more than 1,000 preschool and elementary aged kids on the other side of the world. As I continued working in Kenya, the children I cared for grew older and faced new challenges.

    Some of the girls were becoming pregnant and dropping out of school. I discovered that girls in this poor community did not find the same acceptance, grace, or opportunities that I encountered when I was in their position. Further research revealed that in this area of Kenya more than 40% of all girls between the ages of 10 and 19 are facing unplanned adolescent pregnancy.

    The causes of this crisis are complicated and many, but the one common denominator is a lack of access to sexual and reproductive health education. In response to my findings and God’s prompting, my husband and I formed a non-profit that helps prevent and support unplanned adolescent pregnancy in rural Kenya through education… Read More

  • Children Labor Special Needs


    If you would have told me ten years ago this is what my life would be, I would never have believed you. As a mother of five with two special needs children, I have experienced the joys and heart breaks motherhood brings. I've had my ups and downs, my supermom moments, and the times I would consider a failure. Through it all, I have learned to depend completely on the Lord day by day to fulfill the ministry He has called me to in this season of motherhood. I have always wanted to be in ministry, specifically ministering to youth. As I watched my husband, who works as a full-time pastor, I often wondered when my chance would come. But years ago, the Lord put a strong revelation in my heart that I am doing the most important ministry that I will ever have in raising my children. I am committed to bringing up followers of Christ who are going to impact this world for the Kingdom of God. Jesus had 12 disciples, I have five! If I can raise our children to be strong lovers of Jesus, it will be the greatest contribution I can make to the Great Commission. My ministry with my children isn't a glamorous one. There are some days that I don't think I can kiss another boo boo, listen to another pointless scream or endure another temper tantrum. But having a dependence on the Lord in everything I do carries me through those challenging moments. By the grace of God, I can fulfill my ministry in washing… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    As a Walmart employee for 26 years, I have been following the calling of the Lord to serve people whom He puts in my path. He has led me to minister a word from the Lord or pray for a countless number of people over the years. The Lord warned me from the beginning, 'Not everyone will receive you but there will be many that will because of your soft spoken voice.' One day, the Lord told me to speak to Jeff, a young man about 21, who was a cart pusher. I was nervous and told the Lord, 'but I don't know him.' After the Lord continued to press upon me to do this, I finally submitted and told the Lord that I would, but that it needed to be in private without a lot of people around. Later that day, when I went into the break room, Jeff was there alone. I first asked him how he was doing. Then I proceeded to tell him: "God told me to tell you how much He loves you, that He has a plan for your life, and that you won't always be alone." He responded in amazement: "Are you psychic?" "No, I'm a Christian and the Holy Spirit lives in me. He told me to tell you these things." "Nobody has ever said that to me before." A few weeks later, I ran into Jeff again. He was excited and told me: "My life has not been the same since you spoke to me. I have a cross and a bible. My parents even… Read More

  • Labor Mission Work Other


    I always knew I wanted to work in the medical field but seeing severe poverty changed my life. Like most young people, I didn't realize how good I had it; I took a lot of things in life for granted. Then, in 2016, I was accepted into a Medical Practicum program conducted by my university, where they send a team of medical professionals and volunteers into a remote region of Nicaragua. This kind of aide is much needed, as these remote regions lack the medical resources to care for their villagers. Our team made the long trip to Nicaragua. In less than a month, we traveled to three different villages, providing dental care, pain medication, and basic family medicine to the indigenous locals. We interacted with them, attended their church services, and saw firsthand the severity of their poverty. Upon living in the same conditions, which the locals inhabited everyday, my outlook on life changed forever. A new passion grew in me to help and serve others as much as I can. Once I returned home--and after a nice long hot shower--I decided to change my career to Nurse Practitioner, so that I can work one-on-one with patients and do all I can to help them. I returned to Nicaragua, and it only deepened my desire to help those who need it the most. The Bible says, "Share with the Lord's people who are in need." I live in the United States where I have access to clean, running water and modern facilities that provide medical care. But I know for certain that… Read More