How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Prison Ministry Recovery


    I found myself in the pit of life. I partook in all the vices imaginable and didn’t know how to turn my life around. I had always been resistant to God. I tried to take myself to places where God would never be pushed on me. But even in a bar where I could drink and forget about my life, someone came right up to me and began sharing testimony of God’s love. This was the first of many instances that God touched my heart in the most unexpected situations and places. Prison is when I truly began my authentic connection with God. I could no longer partake in any of the vices that distracted me. Instead, I picked up the Bible and started to read. I read the Word, got closer to God, and started reflecting on the lessons that the Word was teaching me. Even when you feel completely alone and hopeless, God is always beside you. I started seeing God’s presence in the everyday. I came to realize that it was finally time in my life to stop running from God. The ultimate goal is to have control over my own actions and allow the love of God cleanse my heart. Everything I had been doing up to that point in my life brought me temporary, but not long-term, pleasure. That needed to change. I got more involved with church and with ministry. I went back to spread the Word of God and share testimony to women in prison to let them know God has the power to break us out… Read More

  • Children Overcoming Obstacles Prayer


    When my husband and I found out I was pregnant, we were so excited that our prayers had been answered. It wasn’t until our 20-week anatomy scan that we found out our baby boy had a kidney disease. We discovered he had a multicystic dysplastic kidney, meaning he only had one functioning kidney. This required us to have ultrasounds every month to measure the growth of his right kidney and make sure his left kidney was still functioning. This was a difficult process for both my husband and me. All we could do was lean on God and trust in His plan. We prayed every day that God would perform a miracle and heal his right kidney. But at each appointment, we found out that his kidney and the cysts had grown. At 38 weeks pregnant, I was induced and we were able to meet our beautiful baby boy. While we were in the hospital, they did an ultrasound and confirmed that he did only have one working kidney. They also found two more cysts on his bladder. This is something we will need to continue monitoring his entire life. Our hope is that no complications will appear, and the non-functioning kidney will shrink and disappear along with any cysts. All we can do is continue to put our trust in the Lord and know that He is in control. This experience has taught me how to lean on God and put all of my trust in Him. He has shown my husband and me how to be thankful we have our son… Read More

  • Labor Verbalizing the Gospel


    God has a specific way He reveals His plan to us. I feel He teaches me in a way that is similar to the unfolding of an onion. Every time I learn more about Jesus’ love, it shifts who I am inside. Most profoundly, He grows me into a better representation of Him as He peels back the layers of my selfish ways. This is what He had in store for developing our RV Park into a place of ministry. In 2017 while traveling to be with my husband's father before his death, we spent a night at an RV Park we frequented before. We had thoughts of wishing the property were for sale, and ironically, it was. In a time of grief, God was still showing us signs of His plan for us. After buying the property, we went through many trials and tribulations leading to growth of our Spirits. With each challenge, we were also given more opportunities to serve. In early Spring 2019, God spoke to me and I heard, “My Word must go forth.” I had several ideas on how to spread His Word. I sought out the little booklets of John but it would be costly. Surprisingly, God helped guide us to funds, proving it was meant to be. Then in 2020, two kind guests helped inspire another way of sharing God's Word throughout our property. One guest donated a check to our cause after praying and discussing the Book of John with us. The second guest helped provide comfort after a dog fight and offered his lasering… Read More

  • Labor Loving Your Neighbor Senior Citizens


    My wife of 53 years passed away in November 2022. Not only did I grieve, but I also went into depression. On top of that, I have PTSD from serving in Vietnam. It was a tough time for me. I’m 76 and found myself just sitting around the house. I was sinking deeper into depression. I knew I had to do something about it. I reflected on what my mom drilled into me as a kid. I was raised going to church and the Christian doctrine of helping others was underscored to me time and again. She always told me loving and helping others is something the Lord wants us to do, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've always been pretty handy. I worked in construction for 60 years, starting when I was 16. I liked watching what others do and learning how to fix things. And one thing that always made my wife happy was me taking care of her “honey-do” list. So last September, I thought it'd be good for me to keep busy by helping other people. I posted something on our Facebook Community page, saying I’d help single women with the “honey do’s” they couldn’t do. I know many widows couldn’t afford a handyman, so I said I’d do the work for free. The first time I posted it, I got 800 likes. But not many takers. People were reluctant to trust me, to have a stranger in their house. I certainly understood that. But one lady I knew needed some work, and I went over and took care… Read More

  • Church Activities Overcoming Obstacles


    As a young girl, I experienced an unfortunate childhood. Abuse was common inside our home as well as depression. I witnessed that a young girl can't trust anyone, even the people who are the closest. Sexual and physical abuse seeped its way into my life, and I had no one to protect me. Because of many dreadful incidents, my mind was deeply affected. I began to see in a perspective of lust, emptiness and fear. I was young with a tainted reality, an unfortunate teenage girl who sought sin. My life kept spiraling down. I was changing more and more, but for the worse. Little did I know, God already had a plan. When I turned 18, I took on a job and then got engaged. I moved to Alaska with my husband. My best friend would frequently call me. I noticed she was so full of joy. This was strange to me. I began to crave whatever she had. She told me about Jesus, this amazing community, and encounters with the Lord. One day, she called me to testify my brother had been freed and received Jesus. I wanted that for myself as well. After hearing that, I cried out to the Lord and repented for everything I had done. I asked the Lord to change me, to help me become the person He needs me to be. That night, I started to see my life change. I was still living in sin, but this time, I felt convicted. My husband and I moved back home to South Carolina. The first week back, I… Read More

  • Church Activities Verbalizing the Gospel


    Only about 2.3% of India, one of the most populated countries in the world, is Christian. Unfortunately, Christians in India face many challenges and persecution, and Banka Kranthi, 27, is no exception. Banka was born and raised in Baranipadu, in the district of Khammam in the region of Vemsoor. As a child, his father preached the Gospel, so the Word of God and fear of the Lord was put into his heart at an early age. His father often set out on preaching missions, and through his father’s actions, Banka was able to see the true love of Christ. Banka’s childhood exhibits the importance of parents raising their children in the “way they should go” according to Proverbs 22:6. When his father preached by foot, Banka was able to preserve whatever devotion was preached that day into his heart and mind, and he has never lost it. Moreover, because of his father’s teachings, he lived a clean life. Despite social pressure around him, he never fell into trouble, and he devoted himself to God daily. Of course, India is a multi-faith community, with Hinduism as its most prominent religion. According to the caste system, which still plays a role in India, Christians are perceived as inferior in many ways. Further, though secularism is emphasized, there has been a recent rise in persecution toward Christians, including mockery and physical attacks. In fact, India currently ranks as the 11th worst country to live in terms of Christian persecution. On top of these attacks, his people are often lacking basic necessities, so he has to have… Read More