How Everyday People Live Out Their Christian Faith

Illustrating how men and women display their love for Jesus in their day-to-day lives.
Little things that may have an eternal impact. Might these stories motivate you to use your talents?
  • Hospital Overcoming Obstacles Verbalizing the Gospel


    One week before I surrendered my life to Christ, I was riding my motorcycle home from the gym late at night. Glancing at my phone for a text notification, I didn't see the truck halfway in my lane until it was too late. The collision at 60 mph left me unable to walk for three days, but by God's grace, I escaped with minimal harm. Exactly a week later, I attended a prayer meeting an hour away from home. Through the prayers of others, God supernaturally healed my legs, prompting me to commit my life to Jesus. Repentance, I realized, meant more than seeking forgiveness; it demanded change. I turned away from addictions like drugs, nicotine, alcohol, and cursing, never looking back. In the early days of my faith journey, doubts arose as my old friends distanced themselves, unable to accept the changes in me. Even my closest friend, from a Christian background, drifted away. Though confused initially, I later understood God's purpose in separating me from negative influences. Despite my eagerness to embark on mission trips, I accepted the need to seek God's approval first. This realization led me to focus on serving my hometown of Anderson, recognizing that revival begins within oneself before spreading to others. Since then, I've initiated a home prayer group and increased my involvement in ministry in Anderson. My life's mission is now centered on demonstrating Christ's love and serving those around me, whether in Anderson, Spartanburg, or beyond. My ultimate vision is to see the lost saved.

  • Mission Work Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    Growing up in a Christian home, I was familiar with the faith. I had many encounters with the Lord as I earnestly desired to be close to Him, but something changed soon after. As I stepped into my teenage years, I became more accustomed to sinning without feeling bad about it, and steadily started to desire everything the world had to offer. There were several moments when I realized that God was still keeping me close, protecting me from going deeper into sin, regardless of where I was. When I turned 18, I had a sobering wake-up call as I ended up in jail, facing a 5-year prison sentence. I immediately decided to stop the sinful things I was doing and start improving myself. I put a lot of effort into changing, but I kept failing. As time went on, I desired to get closer to God, but my own efforts only took me so far. It was a journey of ups and downs for a long and difficult time. At one point, when I felt like I was in the darkest place I'd been in for a long time, God rescued me. I was dealing with anxiety, depression, and sins that caused self-hate. I had started going to a small youth fellowship, but it was difficult for me to be there consistently. One day as I was driving by myself, I cried out to God, “I don’t want anything, I just want to feel your love again.” I know the Lord heard that prayer because when I went to fellowship that week with a… Read More

  • Mission Work


    Even though it was spiritually challenging, I miss my time as a missionary in North Africa. I vividly recall daily hearing the call to prayer cause since I lived near a mosque. It was tough because Islam is such a hopeless religion. At the schools, the children would just chant and memorize the Qur'an for hours without knowing what they were saying. There's lots of fear going on over there. Many people are worried about theft, women don’t have equal rights, and people just don’t trust one another. It's interesting because there is a lot of skepticism going on, particularly among young people like myself. People in these countries are becoming more and more disillusioned with their government, especially with the war in Sudan causing already poor nearby countries to struggle even more. The internet's starting to become available in some of the cities, so that's had an impact on the way people think and communicate, too. It's incredibly rare to be an atheist over there, but that's starting to change. Actually, one time I met a guy who called himself Muslim, but I think he really didn’t believe in a god. On the other hand, many older people, who haven't ever used the internet, can be more stubborn regarding these ideas. Some of that's good, but it can also make it tough for them to set aside their traditions and turn to Christ. Still, I think things are moving spiritually in an overwhelmingly positive direction. Philippians 4:6-7 has taught me to let my requests be known to God, and I am grateful… Read More

  • Children Hospital Overcoming Obstacles


    I didn’t feel like a mom. I had seen my baby for what felt like two seconds. When I saw her again, she had lines and tubes coming out everywhere, and I couldn’t even see her face under the CPAP mask. It would be nine days before I could hold her. I felt sick. With my stomach scarred from the cesarean, and my hands raw from “scrubbing in” to see her, I felt like my body had failed. My daughter was born at 28 weeks as a result of pre-eclampsia. We then spent 53 days in the NICU. She was my third pregnancy, and my first baby to see earthside. I found myself asking God “why?” Why would motherhood be so painful for me? I had been faithful, so why wasn’t He? But He was. And is. While we were in shock, He had planned it all along. Through my pain and my fear, He made Himself known. Being a mom now doesn’t match the expectations I had. While other babies her age are saying their first words, we are thrilled when our girl comes up with a new type of grunt or babble. I know the technical terms for the way she holds things. I’ve had to re-learn math to fortify her breast milk. Though I had planned to go back to work, God made it clear that my daughter needed me to stay home. In His goodness, He grew my videography hobby into a thriving business, allowing me to bless others and meet my daughter’s needs at home. She was born with holes in… Read More

  • Verbalizing the Gospel


    I grew up going to church and was always intrigued about this God. I went through most of my childhood knowing Him but not really having a relationship with Him. That all changed when a soccer teammate of mine invited me with her to a church camp. Little did I know my life would be transformed. At one point during the camp, we were worshiping. It’s hard to describe but I felt the Holy Spirit come within me. I left the camp with a different perspective on life and actually knowing this amazing person we call Jesus. I am forever grateful for my teammate who invited me to this camp. Because of her, I was saved. Romans 10:14 says, “But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” We all need to invite others to get to know Jesus and make Him known to the world. Go out into this broken world, and be like my teammate--inviting others to get to know Jesus!

  • Overcoming Obstacles Recovery


    It's easy to get comfortable doing things we shouldn't. Well, I got comfortable going in and out of jail. I didn't sell drugs to make money. I sold to support my drug habit. Cocaine, heroin, methamphetamines, you name it. There just wasn't enough out there for me. For over 30 years, my lifestyle was my way or no way. Eventually, though, a parole officer almost caught me drinking at a halfway house. I was on high-control, so that would mean an automatic return to prison for me. Normally, I never got scared to go back into prison. Just a few days before that, I was speeded up, cussing out officers in a police station! But this time, holding that beer, it scared me because I didn’t want to go back. When the parole officer didn't catch me, I prayed "God, if you’re for real, get me into the rescue mission in the morning, and I will give my life to you." And He did. So I went to the mission, then to church and spoke with one of the elders. I didn't understand what was going on in the service, but a friend had been having me read Ephesians 4:25-32. I saw that each of those verses was me. I was that unforgiving thief. The elder asked if I wanted Jesus to be my Lord and Savior and I just said, "I guess so," not sure what to expect. John 10:10 says "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." As I look at the… Read More