Children Prayer


When we first married, I was on birth control but because of persistent headaches, I had to stop. We felt this must be God’s timing for having a baby. Seth even had a dream that we would have twins. We laughed it off that maybe we would since twins ran in my side of the family.

After about six or eight weeks, twins were confirmed. Just thinking about it was daunting but we were also excited. Thankfully, everything went smoothly, except for lots of morning sickness, which was to be expected. Amazingly, our beautiful girls came at 37 weeks (full-term) and were healthy.

At that time, Seth was a part-time youth minister in Clermont, and I was a full-time teacher. We both felt I really needed to be home with the children. This meant Seth would need more hours, but our church was unable accommodate. We ended up moving, and Lake City Christian Church offered Seth a full-time youth minister position. With our family over three hours away, our new church quickly became like family.

Once our girls were about two, we thought we were ready to have more children. For several years, we tried to no avail. A doctor told me I had polycystic ovarian syndrome. Normally when people take Clomid for this, they get pregnant, but I did not. We considered in vitro but then I finally got pregnant. We fully believed this was God’s timing once again.

There were no plans for an ultrasound right away, but we really wanted to know if we could be having twins again. It’s rare, but we just had a feeling. Sure enough, we were having twin boys! We knew the ins and outs of what worked previously so we felt pretty confident we would do okay. I wouldn’t say it was easy, navigating school and taking care of two sets of twins, but our family was special. The girls adored their brothers and were wonderful helpers.

It really came down to prayer for us. We prayed, asking God to help us get pregnant. I had never experienced having to “wait” for so long. We trusted the outcome to be God’s plan for our family. Our friends, family, and church were all praying for us. It’s a way to point others to God that sometimes God says to “wait” for His perfect timing.

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    March 17, 2024 at 7:30 am

    Congratulations on your beautiful family and the blessings in these miracles.

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